Nineteen new species of Desmopachria Babington, 1841 (Coleoptera, Adephaga, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Hyphydrini) with notes on the taxonomy of the genus
Miller, Kelly B.
Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern Biology University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - 0001, USA
journal article
Desmopachria truncata
sp. nov.
Figures 63-65
, 81
Type locality.
Suriname, Sipaliwini District, Camp 4, Kasikasima, stream on trail to METS camp, 200m,
This species is characterized by the male median lobe slender, apically distinctly expanded with the apex broadly truncate and the lateral lobe longer than the median lobe (Figs
). The dorsal punctation on the head, pronotum and elytra is very fine and sparse. The elytra are iridescent. The genitalia are somewhat similar to
Desmopachria mutata
Sharp, but that species has the median lobe very slender, not as broadly expanded apically, and apically rounded, not truncate (
Young 1995
: fig. 2). That species also occurs in Mexico, not northern South America (
Young 1995
Desmopachria truncata
is otherwise not similar to other species in the
Desmopachria portmanni-aldessa
TL = 2.0-2.1 mm, GW = 1.3-1.4 mm, PW = 1.0-1.1 mm, HW = 0.6-0.7 mm, EW = 0.3-0.4 mm, TL/GW = 1.4-1.5, HW/EW =1.8-2.2. Body very broad, laterally rounded, lateral margins continuous between pronotum and elytron; dorsoventrally compressed.
Head and pronotum evenly dark orange, head slightly iridescent dorsally. Elytron evenly dark orange, iridescent, especially apically. Ventral surface of head, prosternum, head appendages, and pro- and mesolegs yellow, other ventral surfaces and metalegs darker orange, lateral portion of metacoxa and abdominal ventrites somewhat iridescent.
Sculpture and structure.
Head broad, short; anterior margin of clypeus finely margined with continuous flattened narrow bead; surface of head shiny, punctation extremely fine, sparse but evenly distributed; eyes moderately large (HW/EW = 1.8-22); antennae short, scape and pedicel relatively large and rounded, flagellomere III long and slender, apically expanded, antennomeres IV-X short and broad, antennomere XI elongate, apically pointed. Pronotum short, lateral margins short, broadly curved with continuous narrow bead; surface shiny, punctation very fine, irregular, sparse; posterior margin sinuate. Elytron broad, laterally broadly curved; surface shiny, punctate, punctures dual, fine and large interspersed, without linear series. Prosternum extremely short, longitudinally compressed, medially slightly carinate; prosternal process in male very slender anteriorly, with low, indistinct medial tubercle, bifid apically with deep medial pit, in female slender anteriorly, with distinctive, small medial tubercle, apically short and broad, medially slightly carinate, apically acutely pointed. Metaventrite broad and evenly smoothly convex medially, surface shiny, impunctate; metaventrite wings extremely slender. Metacoxa with medial portion short, <1/3 length of metaventrite medially, metacoxal lines sinuate, divergent anteriorly; lateral portion of metacoxa extremely large, anteriorly strongly expanded; surface shiny, impunctate. Metatrochanter very large, subequal to length of ventral margin of metafemur; legs otherwise not noticeably modified. Abdomen with surfaces shiny and smooth, very finely and sparsely punctate.
Male genitalia.
Male median lobe in lateral aspect elongate, evenly curved, apically narrowly rounded (Fig.
; in ventral aspect elongate, evenly constricted medially, expanded apically to abruptly broadly truncate apex (Fig.
). Lateral lobe extending distinctly beyond apex of median lobe, moderately broad, apically rounded with dense margin of long setae apically and along apicodorsal margin (Fig.
Sexual dimorphism.
Male pro- and mesotarsomeres I-III slightly more broadly expanded and with ventral adhesive setae. Male and female prosternal processes different as in all
Desmopachria portmanni
group species.
The single specimen from "Upper Palumeu" has the male median lobe slightly longer and more slender with the lateral lobes apically a little more rounded. This does not seem to represent a significant difference however, and the specimen is from the same general area as the holotype. The series from Guyana similarly has some shape variation in the lateral and median lobes, but again, it does not seem to suggest species-level differences. However, additional specimens could help clarify the limits in these populations. A couple specimens are paler tan in color, but this could be because they are teneral.
This species is named
Desmopachria truncata
, Latin for the characteristic apically truncate male median lobe in this species.
This species is known from Sipaliwini District, Suriname and Region VIII, Guyana (Fig.
Type material.
Holotype in NZCS, male labeled, "SURINAME: Sipaliwini District
200 m Camp 4 (low, Kasikasima; sandy stream on trail to METS camp 20.iii.2012; SR12-0320-02A leg. A. Short; 2012 CI-RAP Survey/ SEMC1087011 KUNHM-ENT [barcode label]/ HOLOTYPE
Desmopachria truncata
Miller, 2021 [red label with black line border]." Paratypes, 17; 14 in NZCS and SEMC labeled same as holotype except each with different barcode labels (Table
); 1 in SEMC labeled, "SURINAME: Sipaliwini District N 2.47700', W 55.62941', 275 m Camp 1, Upper Palumeu leg. A. Short; Flight Intercept Trap 10-16.iii.2012; SR12-0310-TN1 2012 CI-RAP Survey/ SEMC1089093 KUNHM-ENT; 2 in CBDG and SEMC labeled, "GUYANA: Region XIII [sic]
, 440 m Kaiteur
Park, trail by guest house; small forest stream leg. A. Short; 15.iii.2014 GY14-0315-03A/ SEMC1328988 KUNHM-ENT [barcode label]" and
SEMC1328993 KUNHM-ENT]." All paratypes also with
Desmopachria truncata
Miller, 2021 [blue label with black line border]."
Desmopachria portmanni-aldessa
subgroup - iridescent
with a forked male prosternal process (=
Desmopachria (Pachiridis)
Young, 1980)
Desmopachria aldessa
Young, 1980 - Brazil (Braga and Ferreira-Jr. 2014), Trinidad
Desmopachria anastomosa
sp. nov. - Guyana
Desmopachria angulata
sp. nov. - Guyana, Suriname
Desmopachria aurea
Young, 1980 - Brazil (Braga and Ferreira-Jr. 2014), Suriname
Desmopachria emarginata
sp. nov. - Suriname
Desmopachria imparis
sp. nov. - Guyana
Desmopachria impunctata
sp. nov. - Suriname
Desmopachria iridis
Young, 1980 - Brazil
Desmopachria novacula
Young, 1980 - Suriname
Desmopachria truncata
sp. nov. - Guyana, Suriname.