To the knowledge of the genus Gephyrazetes (Acari, Oribatida, Mochlozetidae) Author Ermilov, Sergey G. Author Starý, Josef text Ecologica Montenegrina 2018 2018-02-04 16 34 41 journal article 10.37828/em.2018.16.4 2336-9744 Genus Gephyrazetes Hirauchi, 1999 Type species: Gephyrazetes fasciatus Hirauchi, 1999 Adult . Mochlozetidae (see Grandjean 1960 ; Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009 ). Body of medium size or large, length: 400–1100. Integument without ornamentation. Rostrum rounded. Lamellae large, cusps well developed, with or without lateral tooth. Translamella present, thick. Sublamellae thin. Prolamellae absent. Tutoria linear, without distal tooth. Rostral, lamellar and interlamellar setae long, setiform, barbed, ro distanced from tutoria, relative length: in ˃ le ˃ ro . Bothridial setae setiform or with dilated head, barbed. Pedotecta I and II represented by small laminae. Porose areas Ad and Al present or absent, Am and Ah present. Pteromorphs well-developed. Dorsophragma and pleurophragma present. Notogaster with four pairs of rounded porose areas, Aa not divided, A1 located dorsolaterally, distance A1–A1 longer than A2–A2 . Fourteen pairs of notogastral setae of medium size, setiform. Anterior notogastral margin complete, convex medially. Posterior margin of notogaster rounded. Axillary saccules on subcapitulum absent. Subcapitular setae well-developed. Custodia, discidia and circumpedal carinae present. Typical epimeral setal formula: 3– 1–3–3. Four or five pairs of genital, one pair of aggenital, two pairs of anal and three pairs of adanal setae, ad 1 in postanal position. Adanal lyrifissures located close to anal plate, paraanal or preanal. Marginoventral porose area present. Porose areas on leg femora and trochanters III and IV, and in postero-ventral part of leg tarsi and antero-ventral part of leg tibiae well visible. Leg tarsi I with 20 setae (including l’’ and v’ ). Sexual dimorphism absent. Juvenile instars . Not known.