A revision of the weevil genus Procas Stephens (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Erirhinidae) Author Thompson, Richard T. text Zootaxa 2006 2006-06-15 1234 1 1 63 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1234.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1234.1.1 1175­5334 5065222 8D608A41-09CD-4626-935E-26BF20AB7587 Key to species of Procas Stephens, 1831 1 Antennal funicle segment 3 less than half as long as segment 1; elytra usually with 1–3 white spots at top of declivity; setae on female sternite 8 small ( c. 0.03 mm long). Non­European ............................................................................................................... 2 ­ Antennal funicle segment 3 at least half as long as segment 1; elytral declivity never with white spots; setae on female sternite 8 large (< 0.1 mm long). Europe, North Africa, Middle East ....................................................................................................... 3 2 Antennal funicle segment 7 transverse; male sternite 8 with processes parallel or weakly diverging, merging with broad median column and often fused together in basal half or more of their lengths ( Figs 96–99 ); female sternite 8 with pigmented area expanded apically (posteriorly)( Figs 41–43 ); spematheca with gland­lobe variable in shape, gland variable in size ( Figs 68–73 ). North America ............................... lecontei ­ Antennal funicle segment 7 quadrate; male sternite 8 with processes elongate, strongly diverging, distinct from slender tapering median column ( Figs 92–95 ); female sternite 8 with pigmented area expanded basally (anteriorly)( Figs 39, 40 ); spermatheca with gland­lobe usually tapering and weakly expanded at apex, gland small ( c. 0.2 mm long)( Figs 65–67 ). Russian Far East, Japan , NE China , Korea ..................... biguttatus 3 Pronotum, on either side of midline, with a variable and ill defined area of low, setiferous granules, often obscured by their setae ( Figs 13, 14 ); head usually with small frontal pit; antennal funicle segment 2 usually only slightly longer than 3; male sternite 8 with processes more or less curved ( Figs 83–85 ); female sternite 8 with pigmented areas distinctly separate ( Figs 21–23 ); spermatheca with gland­lobe more or less cylindrical and slightly expanded at apex ( Figs 44–47 ). (Scutellum often covered with white setae (appearing white); clothing setae rather coarse (sometimes markedly so).) United Kingdom , NW Spain ........................................................................ granulicollis ­ Pronotum more or less uniformly punctate on disc (sometimes with setiferous granules near sides)( Figs 11, 12 ); head usually without a frontal pit; antennal funicle segment 2 usually distinctly longer than 3; male sternite 8 with processes more or less straight ( Figs 74–82 ); female sternite 8 with pigmented areas fused or narrowly separated ( Figs 24–38 ); spermatheca with gland­lobe variable but not expanded at apex ........... 4 4 Rostrum finely and evenly punctate, seldom with any trace of a median carina but usually with a very fine linear carinula near apex ( Fig. 9 ); sides of rostrum widening smoothly at antennal insertions (in dorsal view); elytral setae mostly very small and recumbent, with a few (sometimes very few) much larger scattered semi­erect white setae, especially on declivity; punctures on sides of prothorax (above fore coxae) and on metepisterna containing simple linear setae; male sternite 8 with short processes (< 0.1 mm long)( Figs 88–91 ); female sternite 8 broad, somewhat straight­sided and angular anteriorly, spiculum broad ( Figs 35–38 ). (Tibiae 2 and 3 with prominent circlet of white setae at base; spermatheca with gland­lobe small, strongly reflexed ( Figs 59–64 ).) North Africa, Atlantic and Mediterranean islands, Greece (?). ...................... ........................................................................................................................ armillatus ­ Rostrum with coarser, ovate punctures, their interspaces tending to form longitudinal rugulae, with a partial median carina but no pre­apical carinula ( Fig. 10 ), sides widening somewhat abruptly at antennal insertions; elytral setae larger and more nearly uniform in size; setae in punctures on sides of prothorax and on metepisterna, in part, bifid or multifid; male sternite 8 with long processes ( 0.1–0.2 mm )( Figs 74–82 , 86, 87 ); female sternite 8 ovate, spiculum slender ( Figs 24–34 ) ........................................ 5 5 Male sternite 8 with processes strongly divergent (sometimes almost in a line), their pigmented elements close together at narrow apex of median column, which they enter ( Figs 86, 87 ); spermatheca with gland­lobe very strongly reflexed ( Fig. 48 ). (Tibiae 2 and 3 with indistinct circlet of white setae at base.). Spain ............................. michaelis ­ Male sternite 8 with processes usually less strongly divergent, their pigmented elements clearly separate at broad apex of median column, which they seldom enter ( Figs 74–82 ); spermatheca with gland­lobe only weakly reflexed ( Figs 51–58 ).... [ picipes ] 6 6 Tibiae 2 and 3 with distinct circlet of white setae at base, separated from pale clothing setae of tibia by a dark gap. W Europe ............................................................. p. picipes ­ Tibiae 2 and 3 without, or with indistinct circlet of white setae at base ....................... 7 7 Tibiae 2 and 3 with indistinct circlet of white setae at base, separated from pale clothing setae of tibia by a dark gap. Ukraine , Caucasus, E Turkey ....................... p. steveni ­ Tibiae 2 and 3 without any circlet of white setae at base, tibia more or less uniformly covered with pale brownish­white setae (sometimes with dark area on dorsal edge of tibia, near base). Middle East, Kurdistan ....................................................p. levantinus