Hieracia balcanica XV. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Hieracium pilosissimum and H. divaricatum, with remarks on the H. heldreichii aggregate (Asteraceae) Author Szeląg, Zbigniew text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-06-13 356 1 81 90 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.356.1.7 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.356.1.7 1179-3163 Hieracium heldreichii Boissier (1856: 102) . Lectotype ( Buttler 1991: 622 ):— GREECE . Ad rupes in regione sylvatica prope lacum Pheneon Arcadiae 3000–3500 ped., T . Heldreich (G-Boiss!). Note: —The name Hieracium heldreichii was lectotypified by Buttler (1991: 622) using an undated specimen. I have seen another original specimen (BRNM 7311/36) collected on 13 July 1848 by J. Sartori in ‘monte Parnes Atticae’ (cf. Boissier 1856: 103 ), distributed in Heldreich’s Plantae exsiccatae e Graecia series, no. 1976. Other specimens examined:— GREECE . De Heldreich Herbarium Graecum Normale. Flora Attica , m. Parnes, in rupinis ad summa cacumina rarissimum, June 1901 (BP 444617).