The bees of Greater Puerto Rico (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) Author Genaro, Julio A. Department of Biology, York University 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON, M 3 J 1 P 3, Canada Author Franz, Nico M. Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico PO Box 9012, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U. S. A. text Insecta Mundi 2008 2008-08-22 2008 40 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5169664 1942-1354 5169664 Xeromelecta ( Nesomelecta ) tibialis (Fabricius) ( Fig. 26 ) Nomada tibialis Fabricius, 1793: 346 . Holotype male in ZMUC. = Crocisa pantalon Dewitz, 1881: 198 . Holotype male in ZMUC (Fig. 30). Synonymy established by D. B. Baker in Michener (2000) . GD: Puerto Rico . Linsley (1943) described the female as Melecta ( Melectomorpha ) pentalon [sic] based on one specimen collected at Lares ( 3.xi.1922 , coll. F. Seín). After examining this specimen at MEBT-MC, we concluded that it is actually a male. The specimen was identified as Melecta sp. by K. Krombein before he sent it to E. G. Linsley for identification ( Linsley 1943 ). Subsequently, R. Snelling identified the specimen as X. pantalon . Neither of these specialists placed a gender label on the specimen. We have examined two additional Puerto Rican specimens deposited in UPRM , with the following label data: “ Aguada , Cerro Gordo, 23.viii.1987 , coll. Douglas II ”, a female; and Orocovis , 3.x.1979 , coll. AEQ”, a male .