Typification of plant names referable to Phagnalon (Compositae) with some taxonomic notes Author Montes-Moreno, Noemí Author Garcia-Jacas, Núria Author Nualart, Neus Author Susanna, Alfonso Author Sáez, Llorenç text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-07-10 360 1 1 18 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.360.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.360.1.1 1179-3163 Blumea phagnaloides Richard (1847: 393) Phagnalon scoparium Sch. Bip. ex Oliver & Hiern in Oliver (1877: 338) , nom illeg. Phagnalon phagnaloides (A.Rich.) Cufodontis (1966: 1105) Type :—[ ETHIOPIA .] In montibus elatis sterilibus ad montem Silke 9000 pedes supra mare et in ipso monte Silke , 9 February 1840 , Schimper 685 ( lectotype : P barcode P033905 [digital image!], designated here; isolectotypes : B barcode B 10 0097164 [digital image!], BM !, BR barcodes BR000000836208 and BR0000008877024 [digital images!], FI barcode FI006327 [digital image!], G barcodes G00018238 , G00018239 and G00018240 [digital images!], GOET barcode GOET001888 [digital image!], K barcodes K000274291 ! and K000274292 !, LG barcode LG000009002415 [digital image!], M barcode M0105293 [digital image!], MO barcode MO684341 [digital image!], P barcodes P033906 , P033907 and P04294926 [digital images!], S-G number S-G-4925 [digital image!], TUB barcode TUB005096 [digital image!], WAG barcode WAG0003704 [digital image!]) . (Image available at: https://science.mnhn.fr/institution/mnhn/collection/p/item/p033905). Notes :— Richard (1847) validated the name Pluchea phagnaloides Sch. Bip. by adding a diagnosis and combining it under the genus Blumea . The locality and collector indicated in the original description read: “Crescit in montibus elatis et sterilibus versus montem Selki , altitudine circiter 9.000 pedum [sic] supra mare, in provincia Semiène , mense Februario florens (Schimper)”. Qaiser & Lack (1986: 439) cited the specimen “ W . G . Schimper 685 ” kept at P as holotype , but we found several specimens in this herbarium corresponding to the original gathering “Schimperi Iter Abyssinicum” collected by Schimper and numbered 685. Therefore, a lectotype had to be designated. These specimens numbered 685 are labelled as Pluchea (Laggera) phagnaloides Hochst. but this name was published on the labels without description. We chose the specimen P 033905 because it is in a good state of preservation, has several mature capitula and morphologically agrees with the original description.