Descriptions and synonymies in American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Wappes, James E.
Galileo, Maria Helena M.
journal article
Spinestoloides hefferni
sp. nov.
Figs 99–102
. Integument mostly dark brown, almost black; mouthparts dark reddish brown, darker on palpomeres; antennomeres dark reddish brown on basal half, brown on distal half.
. Frons transverse, moderately coarsely and abundantly punctate; with pale yellow pubescence toward clypeus and close to lower eye lobes, gradually yellowish brown toward vertex, partially obscuring integument; with sparse, short and long, erect yellowish brown setae close to eyes, and sparse, short, erect yellowish setae centrally. Vertex coarsely, sparsely punctate (punctures slightly coarser, deeper than on frons), except smooth area close to prothorax; with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, except area close to eyes with pale yellow pubescence; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae close to eyes. Area behind eyes impunctate, with narrow pale yellow pubescent band close to eye, yellowish brown, partially obscuring integument toward prothorax; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae close to eye. Antennal tubercles with pale yellow pubescence, partially obscuring integument, more yellowish brown centrally; with some long, erect yellowish brown setae. Median groove slightly distinct from clypeus to prothoracic margin (less distinct between posterior margin of eyes). Genae with yellowish brown pubescence not obscuring integument, sparser on apex. Gulamentum shining, smooth, glabrous except narrow area close to mentum more opaque, with yellowish brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.55 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes practically equal to length of scape. Antennae 1.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at about distal half of antennomere XI; pedicel and antennomeres III–X with long, erect golden setae ventrally, gradually shorter, sparser, more brownish toward X (present only at apex on X); light region of antennomeres IV–XI with yellowish white pubescence; antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.80; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 1.13; V = 0.80; VI = 0.73; VII = 0.68; VIII = 0.64; IX = 0.64; X = 0.58; XI = 0.62.
. Prothorax, maximum width 1.5 times wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercles large, placed at middle, apex acutely spined. Pronotum with three, slightly elevated gibbosities, one elongate, wide, placed centrally from basal quarter to after middle, one subcircular at each side of distal half; moderately coarsely and abundantly punctate, except nearly impunctate central gibbosity; with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, distinctly pale yellow on anterior and distal margins; with scattered long, erect, yellowish setae. Sides of prothorax with sculpture and pubescence as on pronotum (punctures sparser toward ventral side). Prosternum moderately coarsely and abundantly punctate laterally, sparser toward center; with yellowish brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Prosternal process with sides narrowly elevated, slightly carina-shaped between procoxae centrally; with yellowish brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Ventral side of meso- and metathorax with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument except sparser pubescence on center of meso- and metaventrite. Mesoventral process very coarsely, partially confluently punctate dorsally. Scutellum with pale yellow pubescence obscuring integument.
. Moderately coarsely and abundantly punctate on basal third, gradually finer, sparser toward apex; with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, without erect setae except short, suberect setae on outer margin of distal quarter and sutural margin of distal fifth, and long, suberect setae close to distal margin; apex slightly rounded.
. Femora with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. Tibiae with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, with long erect golden setae interspersed (more abundant on meso- and metatibiae).
. Ventrites with yellowish brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae (almost absent on I), more abundant on ventrite V. Ventrite V inclined on center of distal half; distal margin truncate, slightly concave centrally.
Dimensions (mm)
. Total length, 13.55; prothoracic length, 2.43; basal prothoracic width, 2.75; distal prothoracic width, 2.34; maximum prothoracic width (between apices of lateral tubercles), 3.65; humeral width, 4.28; elytral length, 9.85.
female from
Palo Alto
Tree Treck
Mt. Resort
5470 ft
B.T. Raber
col. (
. Named for Daniel Heffern, Houston,
, an avid cerambycid collector and researcher, who provided the specimen for study.
Spinestoloides hefferni
sp. nov.
differs notably from
S. monticola
Fisher, 1942
by the elytral apex slightly rounded, while in Fisher’s species the outer angle is projected in a long spine. The general appearance of
S. hefferni
also resembles that of
Estoloides prolongata
Bates, 1885
but lacks erect setae on the elytra (except those close to apex). In
E. prolongata
, there are moderately abundant erect setae across most all of the elytra (
Figs 16– 18