A Revised Catalog of the Species ofStenocratesBurmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini), with Descriptions of Three New Species from Peru and Brazil andStenocrates inpaiRatcliffe, 1978 Placed in Junior Synonymy withStenocrates popeiEndrödi, 1971 Author Ratcliffe, Brett C. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2015 2015-12-31 69 4 773 779 http://dx.doi.org/10.1649/0010-065x-69.4.773 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x-69.4.773 1938-4394 10106588 Stenocrates mimeomus Ratcliffe , new species ( Figs. 8–9 ) Type Material. Holotype labeled “ PERU : Madre de Dios ;/ Rio Tambopata Res ; 30 air/km. SW Pto. Maldonado , 290m / 16-20 XI 1979 J. B. Heppner / 8–9) S . mimeomus ; 10–11) S. mollis . subtropical moist forest” and with my red holotype label. Allotype female and paratype male each with same data and my red allotype label and yellow paratype label, respectively. Holotype and allotype deposited in the US National Museum ( USNM ) ( Washington , DC , currently at the University of Nebraska for offsite enhancement) and one paratype in the B. C. Ratcliffe Collection ( Lincoln, NE , USA ) . Description of Holotype . Male. Length 18.4 mm ; width 8.8 mm . Color black. Head: Frons on posterior half shiny, with sparse micropunctures, anterior half with small, dense punctures. Frontoclypeal suture weakly impressed, ridge in front of suture rounded, not carinulate either side of middle. Clypeus transversely rugose; apex weakly emarginate, narrowly reflexed, anterior face thickened. Interocular width equals 3.0 transverse eye diameters. Antenna with 10 antennomeres, club subequal in length to antennomeres 2–7. Pronotum: Surface shiny, nearly smooth, with sparse micropunctures in anterior angles and small field of large, dense punctures in posterior angles. Lateral margins with thick marginal bead, base without marginal bead. Elytra: Surface shiny, with punctate sutural stria and 2 pairs of distinct discal striae and less distinct pair of striae behind humerus; each stria comprised of moderately large, deep, closely adjacent punctures. First broad interval with irregular row of similar punctures, second broad interval with similar punctures on posterior third. Pygidium: Surface shiny, completely and densely punctate, punctures moderately large, glabrous. In lateral view, surface regularly convex. Legs: Protibia tridentate, basal tooth slightly removed from others teeth. Metatarsus slightly shorter than metatibia. Venter: Prosternal process columnar, long, thick, apex obliquely flattened into longitudinally suboval disc. Parameres: Form widest at about middle; apices elongate, slender, curving away from one another, and with preapical tooth ( Figs. 8–9 ). Allotype . Female. Length 19.3 mm ; width across humeri 8.8 mm . The allotype does not differ significantly from the holotype . Variation. Males ( 1 paratype ). Length 18.5 mm ; width across humeri 8. 6 mm . The male paratype does not differ significantly from the holotype . Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin, mimeomai , meaning to imitate and is used here in reference to the fact that most Stenocrates species are externally similar to one another. Distribution. Stenocrates mimeomus is known only from Amazonian Peru . Locality Records. PERU (3): MADRE DE DIOS (3); Tambopata National Reserve (30 air km SW Puerto Maldonado). Temporal Distribution. November (3). Diagnosis. Stenocrates mimeomus does not key to anything in Endrödi (1985). The closest would be Stenocrates mollis Endrödi from French Guiana , but the parameres are not the same (compare Figs. 8–9 and 10–11 , especially the lateral views), the clypeal apex is not deeply emarginate nor sparsely rugopunctate, and the sides of the pronotum are not completely covered by punctures as in S. mollis . There is some similarity with Stenocrates popei Endrödi based upon similarity of only the parameres, but even those are distinctly different (compare Figs. 8 and 14 ). Moreover, the ridge in front of the frontoclypeal suture is rounded and not carinulate either side of the middle as seen in S. popei .