An extraordinary new species of Deuteragenia Sustera, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from Indonesia Author Loktionov, Valery M. Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok- 22, 690022, Russia text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2021 2021-08-24 84 127 135 journal article 1314-2607-84-127 AEC849D201064F41B0ED3B56047EA5DF DF1C0A5254D05C07BDC96AFE1C0427DC 5349362 Tribe Deuterageniini Sustera , 1912 Type genus. Deuteragenia Sustera , 1912. Diagnosis. The female possesses maxillary cardo with two tufts of curved bristles. The male with flagellomeres serrate beneath, the propodeum somewhat swollen and punctate, third submarginal cell of fore wing usually equal or slightly larger than second submarginal cell. Genera included. Currently the tribe includes the following six genera: Deuteragenia Sustera , 1912; Dipogon Fox, 1897; Myrmecodipogon Ishikawa, 1965; Nipponodipogon Ishikawa, 1965; Stigmatodipogon Ishikawa, 1965; and Winnemanella Krombein, 1962. Distribution. World-wide, except Australia ( Lelej and Loktionov 2012 ). Remarks. Lelej and Loktionov (2012) analyzed 13 species from six generic groups Deuterageniini , with the genus Priocnemis Schiodte , 1837 as an outgroup. At that time the tribe comprised only the genus Dipogon with six subgenera. The analysis revealed the following relationships: Priocnemis + [ Stigmatodipogon + {( Deuteragenia + Mesagenia ) + [( Winnemanella + Nipponodipogon ) + ( Myrmecodipogon + Dipogon )]}]. As a result of this study, a new generic classification of the tribe was proposed, where Deuteragenia , Myrmecodipogon , Nipponodipogon , Stigmatodipogon , and Winnemanella were elevated to generic status. The females of Deuterageniini differ clearly from those of the tribes Ageniellini and Priocnemini , while male characters of Deuterageniini overlap with those of other tribes of the subfamily Pepsinae . For detailed information on the tribe see Lelej and Loktionov (2012) .