Calistocoris caesareus
Reuter 1881
Miller 1940
“capite...postice fortes constricto… parte ante-oculari posto- |
“Head…strongly constricted basally… anteocular a little |
culari longiore” “clypeo leviter elevato” |
longer…than postocular”
“clypeus somewhat elevated in front of antennae”
“rostro…articulo secundo primo duplo fere longiore” |
“rostrum…segment 2 about twice as long as basal segment” |
“antennis…articulis secundo et tertio fere aeque longis” |
“Antennae…segment 2,
3.50 mm
.; segment 3,
3.30 mm
“pronoto apice truncate, angulis apicalibus sub-rectis… lobo |
“Anterior lateral margins of pronotum feebly produced… |
antico angustulo, antice convexo, lateribus subcompresso” “scutello parum producto, apice levius recurvo” |
anterior lobe sub-elliptical” “Scutellum with a short projection apically” |
“pronoto, scutello…sat dense granulatis” |
“anterior lobe granulose…posterior lobe granulose…Scutel- |
“mesosterno carinato” |
lum…with scattered granules” “Meso- and metasterna with a median carina” |
“anterioribus fossa spongiosa instructis, hac fossa fere ¾ |
“spongy area on anterior and median tibiae more than half |
tibiarum anticarum” “clavo, corio intus…sordide ochraceis” |
the length of tibia” “Corium rufo-ochreous; clavus and median area ochreous” |