New genera, new species and redescriptions of Australian jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) Author Richardson, Barry J. text Zootaxa 2016 4114 5 501 560 journal article 38985 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.5.1 7cb72e2e-f18a-4399-9236-47c9bff6af17 1175-5326 271623 8F950473-E021-4704-9DA7-9AA9A259C5C3 Pungalina semiatra ( L. Koch, 1879 ) comb. nov. Figs 182–198 Icius semiater L. Koch, 1879 . 1133, pl. 98, fig. 6. Clynotis semiater Simon 1901 : 611 ; Żabka 1987 : 442 , figs 11–13 (redescription). Type material. Syntype : Drawings provided by M. Żabka: Rockhampton, 150.52°E , 23.37°S ( ZMUH 16533). Remarks. The syntypes are part of the collection in ZMUH and can no longer be borrowed, making work on this very extensive collection of Australian types difficult for Australian workers. Fortunately, Prof. M. Żabka has seen and drawn one of the male syntypes and kindly made his original illustrations available ( Żabka 1987 ). Other material examined. AUSTRALIA : QUEENSLAND: 1F, 1 km W of Imbil, 152.82°E , 26.47°S , 24 Jun. 1982 , L. Hill ( ANIC 42 001748); 1F, Maidenwell Road, 3 km NNW of Upper Yarraman, 151.89°E , 26.88°S , J. Gallon (QM S96155 ); 1F, Gold Creek Reservoir, Brookfield, 152.88°E , 27.47°S , 23 Apr. 1981 , V. Davies & R. Raven (QM S96137 ); 3 imm., Mount Coottha, 152.95°S , 27.48°S , 17 Jan. 1980 , R. Raven (QM S96132 ); 1M, 1F, Upper Brookfield, 152.87°E , 27.48°S , 30 Oct. 1980 , V. Davies & R. Raven (QM S96136 ); NEW SOUTH WALES : 2M, 1F, 3 imm., Cherry Tree North State Forest, W of Casino, 152.75°E , 28.90°S , 30 Apr. 1976 , M. Gray & C. Horseman (AMS KS10300); 1M, 1F, Boorook State Forest, saddle upstream from tributary of Boonoo Boonoo River, below and east of Boonoo Boonoo Falls, 152.18°S , 28.48°S , 4 Feb. 1993 , M.R. Gray & G.A. Cassis (AMS KS38344); 2M, 3F, 2 imm., Iluka, 153.37°E , 29.40°S , 1 Apr. 1976 , M. Gray & C. Horseman (AMS KS12662); 1F, Gloucester River, Barrington Tops National Park, 151.68°E , 32.07°S , 12 Nov. 1981 , T. Weir & A. Calder ( ANIC 42 000062); 1F, Flora Reserve Wallingat State Forest, Myall Lakes, 152.40°E , 32.43°S , 18 Sep. 1974 , M.R. Gray (AMS KS19178); 1M, Upper Hunter River, Jerrys Plains, 150.94°E , 32.52°S , 23 Nov. 2004 , J. Gollan (AMS KS92339); 1F, Blue Mountains National Park, Murphy's Glen day use area, S of Woodford, 150.48°E , 34.77°S , 4 Nov. 2008 , G.A. Milledge & H.M. Smith (AMS KS106097); 1F, Woronora Dam Catchment, Fire Road No. 9, 150.91 °E, 34.20°S , 8 Dec. 1999 , M.R. Gray, G.A. Milledge & H.M. Smith (AMS KS63230); 1F, Dampier State Forest, 2 km ENE along unnamed fire trail from its junction with Nerrigundah Mountain Road, 149.96°E , 36.13°S , 17 Feb. 1999 , L. Wilkie & R. Harris (AMS KS58822). Diagnosis . The females ( Figs 186–189 , 195–197 ) can be separated from P. albobarbata L. Koch and P. plurilineata sp. nov. by the lateral rather than distal direction taken by the insemination ducts, the very small atria and the absence of obvious fertilization ducts. The males ( Figs 182–185 , 190–194 ) can be separated from the other two species by the shapes and sizes of the proximal lobes on the tegula and the different shapes of the tibial apophyses. FIGURES 182–189. Pungalina semiatra comb. nov. 182–185 male (182 dorsal view, 183 lateral view, 184 ventral view, 185 anterior view); 186–189 female (186 dorsal view, 187 lateral view, 188 ventral view, 189 anterior view). Scale: male 1 mm, female 2 mm. FIGURES 190–198. Pungalina semiatra comb. nov. 190–192 left male palp (190 prolateral view, 191 ventral view, 192 retrolateral view); 193–194 male syntype (M. Żabka, pers. com.) left palp (193 ventral view, 194 retrolateral view); 195–197 female genitalia (195 dorsal view, 196 ventral view, 197 ventral view); 198 map showing known (red) and predicted (gray) distributions. Scale: 0.2 mm. Description. Male: Cephalothorax ( Figs 182, 183 ) orange/brown with scattered brown hairs over anterior surface. Surrounds of ALE, PME and PLE, black with scattered brown hairs. Lighter coloured striae highlighted by scattered white hairs on the steep posterior wall. Clypeus ( Figs 184, 185 ) orange/brown, narrow, with a thick fringe of white hairs. Chelicerae brown, straight. Two promarginal teeth and one medium fissident retromarginal tooth. Endites. labium and sternum brown. Abdomen ovate, tapering to the rear. Dorsal abdomen cream with medium brown distinct pattern ( Fig. 182 ). Spinnerets brown grading to cream. Ventral abdomen mid brown with four longitudinal rows of cream spots. L1 orange brown with cream patella and tarsus. Remaining legs cream with brown femurs. Palp ( Figs 190–194 ): long, brown, tibia with single tapering apophysis. Tegulum brown, relatively broad with a proximal lobe tapering to the posterior side and a small lobe midway along the anterior side. Embolus arises from a tapering base and curves in an anticlockwise direction. Dimensions: General: CL 1.89, EFL 0.80, CW 1.55, AEW 1.05, AMEW 0.87, PEW 1.39, AL 2.41, P1+T1 1.55: L1 3.59 (1.11 + 0.74 + 0.80 + 0.50 + 0.43), L2 3.41 (0.93 + 0.74 + 0.87 + 0.50 + 0.37), L3 2.60 (0.87 + 0.37 + 0.43 + 0.56 + 0.37), L4 3.22 (1.05 + 0.43 + 0.68 + 0.62 + 0.43). Female: As for the male ( Figs 186–189 ). Epigyne ( Figs 195–197 ): consisting of a pair of small round atrium placed laterally. Insemination ducts move laterally towards the midline and then posteriorly grading into the anterior edge of the spermatheca. Fertilization ducts small and indistinct in the median wall of the spermathecae. Dimensions: CL 2.35, EFL 0.96, CW 1.86, AEW 1.49, AMEW 0.99, PEW 1.61, AL 2.85, P1+T1 1.61: L1 3.56 (1.30 + 0.50 + 0.80 + 0.53 + 0.43), L2 3.41 (1.11 + 0.68 + 0.68 + 0.50 + 0.43), L3 3.50 (1.05 + 0.59 + 0.56 + 0.80 + 0.50), L4 4.15 (1.36 + 0.62 + 0.87 + 0.80 + 0.50). Distribution and biology. Widespread across the wetter parts of Australia of temperate eastern Australia in a range of habitats including reserves ( Fig. 198 ). As a consequence, likely IUCN Red List Category is LC. Found in litter.