New data on the genus Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Palaearctic Region Author Shamshev, Igor Author Grootaert, Patrick Author Kustov, Semen text Zootaxa 2015 3936 4 451 484 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3936.4.1 1c27540f-e7f5-44e3-8732-e1dbfbd09791 1175-5326 238506 8459645E-B167-4E36-AFA5-9B56A379D6F4 Hybos vagans Loew ( Figs 26 , 44–47 , 58, 59 ) Hybos vagans Loew, 1874 : 417 . Type-locality: Lenkoran, Astrabad [= Gorgan, Iran ]. Material examined . ARMENIA . 1 ♀, Delizhan [= Dilizhan], 27.viii.1927 , D’yakonov ( ZIN ). AZERBAIJAN . 4 ♀, Paleton, 1200 m , Talysh, sweeping on grass, 17.vii.1932 , Znoyko ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀, 20 km SW of Masalla, , M. Dolgovskay ( ZIN ); 1 ♀, Lankaran distr., Hirkan-Bürjəli env., 38º39'N 48º47'E , stream Quercus forest, 28.v.2009 ; 1 ♂ , 5 ♀, same locality, 15–22.v.2009 , coll. K. Tomkovich ( ZMMU ). GEORGIA . 1 ♀, Lagodekhi, 18.vii.1911 , Mlokosevich ( ZIN ); 1 ♀, Borzhomi, cemetery, 11.viii.1951 , V. Vinogradova ( ZIN ); 2 ♂ , 4 ♀, East Georgia , Lagodekhskiy Nature Reserve [~ 41º49'00''N 46º17'00''E ], 25.vii.1969 , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 2 ♂ , 3 ♀, West Georgia , Borzhomskiy Nature Reserve [~ 41º51'15''N 43º24'45''E ], 6–9.viii.1969 , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 1 ♀, same locality, 20.vii.1969 , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 1 ♀, Adzharia, env. Kobuleti, Kintrishkiy Nature Reserve [~ 41º49'14''N 41º46'31''E ], 14.v.1971 , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ). Abkhazia : 1 ♀, Gagry, 16–30.v.1916 , I. Sokolov ( ZIN ); 1 ♀, env. Sukhumi, ravine Kashtak [~ 43°00'12''N 41°00'55''E ], 29.v.1971 , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 2 ♂ , Malaya Ritsa Lake, 9.vii.2004 , I. Grichanov ( ZIN ). IRAN . 1 ♂ , Astrabad [= Gorgan], Persia , 26.iv.1914 , Kirichenko ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , same locality, 20–21.iv.1905 , Filippovich ( ZIN ). RUSSIA . Adygea : 1 ♀, Polyana Guzeripl’, 23.vii.1935 ; 1 ♀, same locality, 19.vii.1935 ; 1 ♀, same locality, 3.viii.1935 , Deev ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , North- West Caucasus, Guzeripl [ 44º00'00''N 40º07'30''E ], , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 3 ♂ , 1 ♀, Adygeya, Dakhovskaya env., valley of Belaya River—Daguaka River, 44.199ºN 40.170ºE , 465 m , 17– 23, 29 .vi.–1.vii.2009, coll. K. Tomkovich ( ZMMU ); 1 ♂ , Adygeya, Dakhovskaya env., E slope of Azih-Tau, Fagus forest, 44.217ºN 40.105ºE , 900 m , 24– , coll. K. Tomkovich. Chechnya : 1 ♀, village Zony, 47 km S of Grozny, forest, , V. Richter ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀, 10 km N of Vedeno, forest, , V. Richter ( ZIN ). Krasnodar : 1 ♀, Bolshoi Utrish, alt. 20 m ( 44°45'26"N 37°23'23"E ), 29.v.2011 , (AB32719768, leg. PG); 1 ♂ , Dubovyi Rynok, alt. 70 m , (45º 18.33N 37º06.08), 28.v.2011 , (25 SLHE 1AB00502664, leg. PG); 1 ♀, Kamishanova polyana, alt. 1200 m , ( 44°10'22''N 40°02'46''E 1), 2.vii.2010 (AB31500064, leg. PG); 1 ♂ , Kamishanova polyana, alt. 1200 m , 6.vii.2010 (AB31500037, wings not clouded, leg. PG) ( RBINS ); 1 ♀, West Caucasus, Krasnaya Polyana [ 43°40'00''N 40°12'00''E ], , V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 8 ♂ , 2 ♀, env. Severskaya, Ubinskaya [ 44°44'24''N 38°32'33''E ], 12 21.v.1970 , 6, 9, 15, 16, 19 .vi.1971, V. Kovalev ( ZMMU ); 1 ♀, Russia : Krasnodar Terr., 2 km N Ubinskaya, , I. Grichanov ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , Russia : Krasnodar env., 44º59'N , 39º02'N , , I. Grichanov ( ZIN ); 3 ♀, Sochi Reg., near Khosta, Akhun Mt., forest, 43º32'N 39º48'E , 3– , coll. K. Tomkovich ( ZMMU ); 1 ♂ , Sochi Reg., 12 km S Adler, Veseloe, 30.v.– , coll. K. Tomkovich ( ZMMU ); 3 ♂ , 1 ♀, env. Stavropol’skaya, Shebsh Ridge, , Gladun (KSU); 2 ♂ , Krasnodar, forest park Krasny Kut, , 23.v.2009 , V.V. Gladun (KSU); 1 ♂ , Apsheronskiy distr., Biological station “Kamyshanova Polyana”, 9.vii.2009 , S.Yu. Kustov (KSU); 1 ♂ , Krasnodar, Botanical garden of KSU, ; 1 ♂ , same locality, 13–19.vii.2008 ; 3 ♀, same locality, 6.vii.2010 , Gladun (KSU); 9 ♂ , Krymskiy distr., env. Neberdzhaevskaya, 22.v.2010 , S.Yu. Kustov (KSU); 2 ♂ , 5 ♀, Kamyshanova Polyana, 2–6.vii.2010 , Shamshev ( ZIN ). TURKEY : 1 ♀, Duzce prov., Aktas Selale ( 41º01'N 31º04'E ) 400 m , 20– , N. Vikhrev ( ZMMU ). Recognition . Postpedicel without dorsal setae; mesonotum entirely finely greyish pollinose, usually with black setae; legs largely black to brownish, except femora narrowly subapically and tibiae basally and apically yellow, clothed in long, yellowish hair-like setae; mid tibia with 2 very long, brown dorsal bristles on basal half and 2–3 very long, yellow anteroventral bristles, hind basitarsus with black spines ventrally. Male : hypandrium elongate ovate, with deep apical excision, covered with numerous very long strong setae on distal part. Re-description . Body length 4.9–5.7 mm; wing length 5.4–6.0 mm. Male (described for first time) ( Fig. 26 ). Head black. Occiput densely greyish pollinose; with short black setae on upper part and yellowish to pale moderately long hair-like setae on lower part. Face broad, densely greyish pollinose. Ocellar tubercle with 2 moderately long, fine anterior ocellars and 2 minute posterior ocellars. Antenna black; postpedicel lacking setae. Proboscis dark brown. Palpus black, as long as labrum; with scattered short black setae. Thorax black in ground-colour; entirely finely greyish pollinose (pleura somewhat denser). Proepisternum with 1 short pale hair-like upturned seta. Antepronotum with several short pale hair-like setae. Postpronotal lobe with several short, fine yellow setae. Mesonotum with larger bristles usually black but sometimes notopleurals and apical scutellars brownish yellow to yellow; 2 notopleurals (posterior seta longer), 1 postalar and 2 scutellars (with several short, pale hair-like setae); supra-alar space with some short fine setulae; dorsocentrals uniserial, fine and short, 1 pair of prescutellars long; acrostichals arranged in about 6 irregular rows, as long as dorsocentrals, lacking on prescutellar depression. Legs with coxae, trochanters and femora (except very narrow subapical space) black, fore and hind tibiae yellowish brown on basal part (except extreme base), fore and mid tarsomeres 3–5 and hind tarsomere 5 brownishyellow, otherwise legs yellow. Coxae finely greyish pollinose, otherwise legs shining. Coxae and trochanters with yellow to pale fine setae of different lengths. Fore femur with rows of short, fine, pale anteroventral and longer posteroventral setae. Fore tibia with 1–2 (usually 1 near middle of tibia) moderately long, fine dorsal setae; clothed in numerous long yellow hair-like setae posteriorly; subapical circlet formed by several fine yellow setae of different lengths and 1 strong black anterodorsal seta. Fore tarsomeres 1–2 covered with long, hair-like yellow setae dorsally and laterally. Mid femur somewhat narrower than fore femur; with row of strong black anterodorsal bristles nearly as long as width of femur (2 subapical bristles very strong, spine-like) and rows of very long, yellow, fine anteroventral and posteroventral bristles (latter longer and 2.0–3.0X as long as width of femur). Mid tibia with 2 very long brown dorsal bristles on basal half (anterior longer), row of moderately long brown to brownish-yellow anterodorsal bristles, 2–3 very long yellow anteroventral bristles (usually 2 closely set but sometimes even with difference on right and left tibiae), clothed in long yellow hair-like setae; subapical circlet formed by 4 long yellow bristles (anteroventral longest and very long, nearly as long as anteroventrals). Mid basitarsus with 1 very long, yellow ventral bristle near base, clothed in long hair-like setae. Hind femur strongly thickened but smoothly convex; clothed in long, yellow hair-like setae; bearing 1 complete and 1 incomplete (present on basal 1/4 only) rows of short brownish spines sitting on tubercles ventrally, 1 complete row of longer anteroventral brownish spines, row of long yellow to brownish-yellow anterodorsal bristles on apical part. Hind tibia clothed in long, yellow hair-like setae. Hind basitarsus with black spines ventrally. Wing almost hyaline, finely infuscate on middle part or blackish infuscate, darker on middle part; veins brownish; no costal bristle; stigma indistinct, elongate-ovate; R1 close to costa subapically; R4+5 and M1+2 somewhat divergent near wing margin. Squama yellow, with pale setae. Halter yellow. Abdomen black in ground-colour; finely greyish pollinose, covered with pale hair-like setae longer on tergites laterally and on sternites. Terminalia ( Figs 44–46 ) rather small, nearly as broad as pregenital segments. Cerci short, with some short fine setae. Right epandrial lamella subtriangular viewed dorsally, covered with numerous setae of different lengths on distal part, including several very long subapical setae; right surstylus rather elongate-ovate, large, with numerous short fine setae on external face, bearing 3 long strong setae closer to base. Left epandrial lamella subtriangular viewed dorsally, covered with numerous setae of different lengths on distal part, including several very long subapical setae; left surstylus of complicated shape, in dorsal view rather subrectangular, with short digitiform projection on basal part. Hypandrium large, elongate-ovate, with deep apical excision, covered with numerous, very long strong setae on distal part. Female . Similar to male but fore and mid tibia and basitarsus covered with shorter hair-like setae; hind femur slightly more slender, without incomplete row of ventral spines, with somewhat longer and paler anteroventral spines. Abdominal segments 7–8 entirely pollinose; tergite 7 unmodified; sternite 7 nearly twice shorter than sternite 6 but nearly as broad; segment 8 somewhat elongate, well exposed, somewhat upturned; tergite 8 unmodified, normally sclerotised, with long posteromarginal setae, with straight posterior margin; sternite 8 separated from tergite 8, subrectangular, with numerous long setae (4 stronger and longer subapicals on each side), posterior margin almost straight; tergite 10 weakly sclerotised, divided along midline, separated from cerci, with minute setae; sternite 10 weakly sclerotised, with minute spinule-like setae; cercus brownish, rather long, pointed apically ( Figs 58, 59 ). FIGURES 44–46 . Hybos vagans , male terminalia. 44. hypandrium; 45. right epandrial lamella and cerci, lateral view; 46. left epandrial lamella, lateral view. Scale bar—0.1 mm. FIGURE 47 . Distribution map of Hybos andradei sp. nov. , H. striatellus and H. vagans . FIGURES 48–54 . Hybos , female terminalia. 48, 49. H. andradei sp. nov. : 48. ventral view, 49. lateral view; 50. H. culiciformis , ventral view; 51, 52. H. femoratus : 51. lateral view, 52. posterior view; 53, 54. H. grossipes : 53. lateral view, 54. ventral view. Abbreviations: c—cercus, fr—furca, T8, T10—tergites 8 and 10, S8, S10—sternites 8 and 10, respectively. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. FIGURES 55–59 . Hybos , female terminalia. 55, 56. H. mediasiaticus sp. nov. : 55. ventral view, 56. lateral view; 57. H. striatellus , ventral view; 58, 59. H. vagans : 58. ventral view, 59. lateral view. Abbreviations: c—cercus, fr—furca, T8, T10—tergites 8 and 10, S8, S10—sternites 8 and 10, respectively. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Remarks . Loew (1874) described H. vagans after a single female collected by Hugo Theodor Christoph from Astrabad [= Gorgan], Iran . We could not locate the holotype because it is absent from Loew’s Collection in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (J. Ziegler, pers.comm., 18.v.2011 ). Ziegler suggested that the holotype of H. vagans could be housed in the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) where part of Christoph’s Collection had been deposited. However, it is absent from there as well. Although Loew’s original description of H. vagans is very short, we consider that the species is correctly recognised. Our conclusion is based primarily on the study of specimens collected from the type locality of H. vagans , which completely agree with Loew’s description and clearly differs from other species of Hybos . In the Palaearctic Catalogue Chvála & Kovalev (1989: 187) placed H. vagans among “doubtful species of Hybos ”, which was followed by Yang et al . (2007) . Hybos vagans is most similar to H. culiciformis differing by a number of distinctive characters given in the key. Specimens of H. vagans include two forms with different wing colouration, either quite clear or brownish clouded. Similar forms have been reported for H. culiciformis , H. femoratus and H. grossipes ( Chvála 1983 ) . Barcoding did not show differences in species with clouded or with clear wings ( Fig. 60 ). Also there were no genetic differences between specimens from low elevations (Bolshoi Utrish, alt. 20 m and Dubovyi Rynok, alt. 70 m ) and high elevation (Kamishanova polyana, alt. 1200 m ). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC: Armenia , Azerbaijan , Georgia (incl. Abkhazia), Iran , Russia (Adygea, Chechnya, Krasnodar), Turkey ( Fig. 47 ). The area of the species is restricted to the Caucasus and adjacent territories where it occurs in forests along a broad range of altitudes. 5 AB31515637_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ France _Mercantour_female 3 AB31541511_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Campo_male AB31539309_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Campo_male 41 AB31539302_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Coimbra_female 7 AB31515421_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Campo_male 100 AB31539365_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Canelas_female AB31536815_ Hybos _ culiciformis _ Portugal _Campo_male AB49126572_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Russia _St._Petersburg_male AB49126584_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Russia _St._Petersburg_male 100 AB42406182_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Belgium _Bertauvaux_male 49 AB42406176_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Belgium _Bertauvaux_male 31 28 AB42406180_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Belgium _Bertauvaux_male 34 AB49126596_ Hybos _ grossipes _ Russia _St._Petersburg_female 57 25SLHE1AB00502664_ Hybos _ vagans _ Russia _Dubovyi_Rynok_male 62 AB32719768_ Hybos _ vagans _ Russia _Bolshoi_Utrish_female 100 AB31500037_ Hybos _ vagans _ Russia _Kamishanova_polyana_male AB31500064_ Hybos _ vagans _ Russia _Kamishanova_polyana_female 100 AB31515907_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Russia __male 56 AB31536598_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Russia _Kamishanova_polyana_male AB49126566_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Russia _St._Petersburg_male 100 AB31510644_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Belgium _Viesville_male AB42406152_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Belgium _Bertauvaux_male 100 AB42406189_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Belgium _Bertauvaux_female AB49126578_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Russia _St._Petersburg_male AB49126590_ Hybos _ femoratus _ Russia _St._Petersburg_male 0.01