Ostracods (Crustacea) of the Early-Middle Permian (Cisarulian-Guadalupian) from Central Thailand (Indochina Block): Part II, Orders Podocopida, Platycopida and Myodocopida Author Chitnarin, Anisong Author Crasquin, Sylvie Author Forel, Marie-Béatrice Author Tepnarong, Prachya text Geodiversitas 2017 2017-12-29 39 4 651 690 http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/g2017n4a1 journal article 10.5252/g2017n4a1 1638-9395 4536112 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DB464417-3EA1-4C4E-9C03-624C1627969C Baschkirina ruchae Chitnarin , n. sp. ( Figs 24 A-D; 25) TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype , one complete carapace (SUT-09- 2375, Fig.24A ); paratypes , two complete carapaces (SUT-09-2374, Fig. 24C and SUT-09-2380, Fig. 24D ). ETYMOLOGY. — In honour to Mrs Rucha Ingavat-Helmkce. MATERIAL EXAMINED. — 17 complete carapaces.
H (mm) Acratia chongpani Chitnarin , n. sp.
L (mm)
DIMENSIONS. — H = 0.35-0.51 mm , L = 0.55-0.73 mm , H/L = 0.64- 0.69, Holotype : H = 0.51 mm , L = 0.74 mm ; Paratype ( Fig. 24C ): H = 0.39 mm , L = 0.59 mm ; Paratype ( Fig. 24D ): H = 0.53 mm , L = 0.82 mm ( Fig. 25 ). TYPE HORIZON. — Sample 08LO02-2, Nam Maholan section, Nam Maholan Formation, Loei Province , Early Permian. TYPE LOCALITY. — Sample 08LO02-2, Nam Maholan section ( 17°06’23’’N , 101°52’48’’E ), Nam Maholan Formation, Loei Province , Early Permian.
OCCURRENCES. — Sample 08LO02-2, Nam Maholan section, Nam Maholan Formation, Loei Province, northeast Thailand, Early Permian; sample 07PB04-5, Nong Phai section, Pha Nok Khao Formation, Phetchabun Province, central Thailand, Early Permian. FIG. 22. — Height ( H )-length ( L ) diagram of Acratia chongpani Chitnarin , n. sp. Scale bar: 100 µm. DIAGNOSIS. — Species of Baschkirina with subtriangular carapace, highly arched dorsal outline, and AB laterally compressed with maximum convexity located below mid H, flanks subparallel in dorsal view. DESCRIPTION Carapace subtriangular; dorsal outline highly arched; DB straight and inclined at 30° rearward; ADB long, straight to slightly convex, with an angle of 120° with DB; PDB inclined sharply, making angle of 150° with DB; AB rounded with medium radius of curvature, maximum convexity located below mid H, and flattened laterally; AVB short; VB straight; PVB short; PB small, sub-spinose and located at or just above ventral level; LV slightly overlaps RV all around the carapace; greatest H located at mid L; in dorsal view, carapace thick, flanks subparallel and AB laterally compressed. FIG. 23. — Height ( H )-length ( L ) diagram of Acratia mongkoli Chitnarin , n. sp. Scale bar: 100 µm. REMARKS Baschkirina ruchae Chitnarin , n. sp. can be compared with B. buekkensis Kozur, 1985 from the Pennsylvanian of French Pyrénées and Bükk Mts, Hungary ( Kozur 1985b: 90-91 , pl. 22, fig. 1); however, B. buekkensis is characterized by a smaller H, a longer DB and the position of maximum H in front of mid L. It can be differentiated from B. shii Kozur, 1985 from the Wuchiapingian of Bükk Mts, Hungary ( Kozur 1985a: 92 , pl. 22, fig. 4) by an AB with smaller radius of curvature and strongly compressed laterally.