The millipede family Striariidae Bollman, 1893. VI. Six new genera and thirteen new species from western North America (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Striarioidea) Author Shear, William A. 0000-0002-5887-7003 Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney VA 23943 USA, current address: 1950 Price Drive, Farmville VA 23901 USA. wshear @ hsc. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5887 - 7003 Author Marek, Paul E. Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061 USA. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-11-11 5205 6 501 531 journal article 187956 10.11646/zootaxa.5205.6.1 4b6eb79c-018f-470b-ac46-6646270ec7ee 1175-5326 7318605 9D1DEC25-5FA2-4D64-807E-F103C3FCB5CA Genus Lamparia Shear & Marek , new genus Type species: Lamparia bentonensis Shear & Marek , new species Etymology : The genus name is an arbitrary combination of letters, an anagram of the related genus name Amplaria forming a Latin neologism to be treated as feminine in gender. Diagnosis : A genus of the subfamily Striariinae by virtue of having gonopods with a flagellocoxite and ninth legs with free telopodites. The gonopod flagellocoxite is small and thin. The anterior angiocoxites are erect (extending posteriorly) as in most other genera of striariines, and a key feature is the many fine cuticular processes extending from their posterior surfaces. The ninth legs are distinctive for each of the three included species. Description : Small striariines, 3.5–5.2 mm long. Thirty postcephalic rings, including telson. Two ommatidia ( Fig. 16 , om). Head densely setose, with small tubercles. Labral hook lacking. Mandibular stipes with serrate margin, acute triangular process ( Fig. 16 , m). Collum with crests limited to posterior region, studded with small tubercles. C1–C5 subequal, C6 larger, giving appearance of small or broad paranota; metazonital setae not observed, either absent or strongly reduced and concealed by cerotegument. Telson with lobes very shallowly demarcated or nearly indiscernable, sulci shallow. Legpair 1 larger than legpairs 2 or 3, femora and tibiae with long, needle-like setae, tarsus with comb. Legpair 2 with short telopodites, vas deferens openings in coxae facing mesally, coxae notched so that when appressed, a single pore is formed. Legpair 3 with long flasks, reaching sixth or seventh coxae when extended posteriorly, heavily set with raised cuticular scales, few contorted setae. Legpairs 4–7 crassate, legpair 7 lacking coxal lobes. Gonopods small; gonopod sternum massive, quadrate. Coxa sparsely setose, with obvious distolateral process of varying form. Anterior angiocoxites long, not deflexed, hooked or knobbed distally, posterior surface set with fine fimbriae. Posterior angiocoxites with small posterior process forming partial sheath for flagellocoxites, larger and various anterior processes. Flagellocoxites small, thin, slightly curved. Colpocoxites variable, poorly sclerotized, saclike, set with many triangular fimbriae. Ninth legs with coxosternite and free telopodites. Coxosternite with two processes from coxal part, sternal part sometimes expanded,with central knob.Telopodite large,with pebbled sculpture and setae,with deep notch(sometimes toothed) to accommodate gonopods. Telopodite locks into deep notch in ventrolateral margin of pleurotergite 7. Tenth legs with coxal pores, coxae slightly enlarged. Included species : In addition to the type , Lamparia curryensis Shear & Marek , n. sp. , L. pratensis Shear & Marek , n. sp. L. millicoma Shear & Marek , n. sp. Distribution : Southwestern Oregon , including the counties of Douglas, Coos and Benton, and Del Norte County, California .