The Asteioinea of Fiji (Insecta: Diptera: Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Xenasteiidae) Author Grimaldi, David A. text American Museum Novitates 2009 2009-11-30 3671 1 60 journal article 10.1206/685.1 0003-0082 5358027 Asteia pleurovittata , new species Figures 23 , 27 DIAGNOSIS: Very similar to Asteia pleurovitta (see description, above), distinctive similarities being: transverse white band on face of female, brown band on oral margin in male; dorsal half of basal antennomeres brown (ventrally light); mesoscutum brown, with whitish area anterior to scutellum, top of scutellum whitsh; pleura with dark brown stripe just ventral to notopleural suture, whitish beneath stripe; ocellar setae minute, barely visible, 3 pairs dorsocentrals (no acrostichals); male terminalia with pair of large, slender epandrial lobes anteromedial to surstyli; aedeagus short, sclerotized, bulbous. Differs from Asteia pleurovitta by A. pleurovittata having brown coloration on katepisternum, coxae, and proximal halves of legs (vs. light); more extensive brown pigmentation on abdomen (extended laterally); females much darker brown than males; by the flatter frons and more shallow head and thorax; arista with 1 dorsal and 2 ventral branches, exclusive of apical fork (vs. 3D, 2V branches); epandrial lobes more slender, with apical knob bearing fine papillae; aedeagus more bulbous apically and with fine scales. TYPES : Holotype , male [not dissected], Fiji : Viti Levu : Vuda Prov. , Koroyanitu Pk , 1 km E Abaca Vlg , 800 m , 19–26.XI.2002 , Malaise 1, coll. Schlinger and Tokota’a , 17.667 ° S , 177.55 ° E , FBA176071. ThL 5 0.94 mm . In BPBM . Paratypes : FBA176072-5 ( 4 males , 1 dissected [no. 63]). Two females, also 1 km E Abaca Vlg. : 19–26.X.2002 , Malaise, E . Schlinger and M. Tokota’a , FJVL02 , MO1.04, FBA085400, 085408. In BPBM and AMNH. ETYMOLOGY: A variation on the name of the most closely related species, and in reference to the body coloration.