An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas Author Hielkema, Auke J. Author Hielkema, Meindert A. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-10-25 732 732 1 306 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3678492 8e18452b-1d9d-462e-bac8-8c86eeb4ddc3 1942-1354 3678492 930EAB11-37FA-41B0-980A-1A4736527842 § Sylvicanthon proseni ( Martínez, 1949 ) Glaphyrocanthon proseni Martínez 1949c: 282 , 287 ( Bolivia ) = Canthon aequinoctialis Harold 1868a: 79 (partim) ( Colombia ) - Cupello and Vaz-de-Mello 2018: 96 (syn. red.) Distribution. Brazil (NA): Blackwelder 1944: 198 (as Canthon aequinoctiale ); Martínez et al. 1964a: 8 (as Glaphyrocanthon aequinoctialis ; as Glaphyrocanthon proseni ); Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 661 (as Glaphyrocanthon aequinotialis [sic]); Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 191 (as Canthon ( Canthon ) aequinoctiale ); Cupello and Vaz-de-Mello 2018: 96 (NA). “Amazon Basin”: Balthasar 1941c: 341 (as Canthon aequinoctialis ). Other: Balthasar 1941c: 341 (Colombia, Peru - as Canthon aequinoctialis ); Blackwelder 1944: 198 (Colombia, Ecuador - as Canthon aequinoctiale ); Martínez 1949c: 282 , 287 (Bolivia - as Glaphyrocanthon proseni ); Martínez et al. 1964a: 8 , 9, 10 (Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama - as Glaphyrocanthon aequinoctialis ; Bolivia, Peru - as Glaphyrocanthon proseni ); Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 661 , 663 (Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru - as Glaphyrocanthon aequinotialis [sic]; Bolivia - as Glaphyrocanthon proseni ); Medina et al. 2001: 135 (Colombia - as Canthon aequinoctialis ); Cupello and Vaz-de-Mello 2018: 96 (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru). Note. Until the revalidation of Sylvicanthon proseni in Cupello and Vaz-de-Mello (2018: 96) , all specimens belonging to this species were thought to belong to Sylvicanthon aequinoctialis ( Harold, 1868 ) (see Harold 1868a: 79 ). Sylvicanthon aequinoctialis can be found in Central America and in Colombia west of the Andes, while S. proseni lives in large parts of South America east of the Andes. For authors who considered this to be a single species, we have only mentioned the South American distribution as recorded by them.