Synopsis of the new subtribe Scatimina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini), with descriptions of twelve new genera and review of Genieridium, new genus Author Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1955 1 75 journal article 1175­5334 6.2. Genieridium bordoni ( Martínez, 1992 ) , new combination Pedaridium bordoni Martínez, 1992 : Martínez 1992: 22–23 ; Vaz-de-Mello & Canhedo 1998: 100 Type series: Holotype and allotype : VENEZUELA : Barinas : Santa Bárbara , IV-1981 , G&H Martínez ( BRBA ). Paratypes : VENEZUELA : Anzoátegui : Pariaguán , 09-VIII-1967 , J&B Bechyné (1 CMNC ) ; 12-VIII- 1967 (1 CMNC ) ; Barinas : Santa Bárbara , IV-1981 , G&H Martínez (1 BDGC , 9 CMNC ) ; Guárico : Calabozo , VI-1963 , Bordón & Martínez , (1 CMNC ) ; 15-VII-1962 , Estación Biol. leg. (2 CMNC ) ; Monagas : Jusepín , IX-1965 , F.Fernandez & CJ Rosales (1 BDGC ); 500 m , 08-VIII-1966 , CJ Rosales & F Fernández Y (1 CMNC ) ; 17-IX-1965 (1 CMNC ) ; 21-IX-1965 (1 CMNC ) ; 04-X-1965 (1 CMNC ) ; 07-VIII-1966 (2 CMNC ) . Non-type material examined: VENEZUELA : Anzoátegui : Aramina ( Santa Clara ), I-195, R Lichy (1 BDGC ) ; Bolívar : 15 km E Caicara , 12-VI-1996 , B Gill (20 BDGC ) ; 12-13-VI-1996 , H&A Howden (38 CMNC , 4 FVMC ) ; 20 km SW Ciudad Bolívar , 19-VI-1987 , S&J Peck , woodland on sand UV (1 CMNC ) ; 25 km SW Pto. Ordaz , 21-VI-1987 , S&J Peck , sandy woodland UV (1 CMNC ) ; 8 km SW Caicara , 16-VI-1987 , S&J Peck , woodland UV (2 CMNC ) ; Delta Amacuro : 15 km E Los Castillos , 4.5 km NE Ciudad Guyana , 26-IV-1987 , MA Ivie , at light (1 BDGC , 11 CMNC ) ; Guárico : Hato Masajuaral ( 44 km S Calabozo ), 3-10-V- 1985 , Menko & Carpenter (3 BDGC ) . Diagnosis: 4.7–5.5 mm . Surface dull. Clypeal teeth lacking, but clypeal emargination clearly rounded, widely V-shaped and with bottom declivitous (Fig. 57). Elytral striae not punctured. Male apical tooth of metatibia flattened. Parameres as in Fig. 58. Distribution: Maracaibo, Venezuelan Coast and Venezuelan Llanos provinces of the Caribbean subregion ( Fig. 107 ). Remarks: This species is undoubtedly related to G. medinae , based on secondary sexual characters, but shares with G. paranense the absence of clypeal teeth.