Ostracoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from the Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, Upper Aptian-Albian Author Antonietto, Lucas Silveira 4E63F407-03D6-4D06-9318-72FA2A23E014 Laboratory of Micropaleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, CEP 70919 - 970 Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 4 E 63 F 407 - 03 D 6 - 4 D 06 - 9318 - 72 FA 2 A 23 E 014 & Corresponding author: antoniettols @ gmail. com antoniettols@gmail.com Author Carmo, Dermeval Aparecido do 911A76DB-38C3-482F-A7AC-2D57F0AFF90D Laboratory of Micropaleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, CEP 70919 - 970 Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil. & Email: derme @ unb. br & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 911 A 76 DB- 38 C 3 - 482 F-A 7 AC- 2 D 57 F 0 AFF 90 D derme@unb.br Author Viviers, Marta Claudia B0CACF44-1ED6-49E0-928B-EA7FF769854F Petrobras-CENPES-PDGEO / BPA, Horácio Macedo Avenue, 950, CEP 21940 - 900, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. & Email: mcviviers @ oi. com. br & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 0 CACF 44 - 1 ED 6 - 49 E 0 - 928 B-EA 7 FF 769854 F mcviviers@oi.com.br Author Neto, João Villar Queiroz 5BB35DBF-70E2-450A-A521-6ECE846052F9 Petrobras-CENPES-PDGEO / BPA, Horácio Macedo Avenue, 950, CEP 21940 - 900, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. & Email: joaovq @ petrobras. com. br & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 5 BB 35 DBF- 70 E 2 - 450 A-A 521 - 6 ECE 846052 F 9 joaovq@petrobras.com.br Author Hunt, Gene C94AA495-663C-4C5E-9D86-BEF1A32528BD Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 10 th Street & Constitution Avenue NW, 20560 - 0121 Washington D. C., U. S. A. & Email: hunte @ si. edu & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 94 AA 495 - 663 C- 4 C 5 E- 9 D 86 - BEF 1 A 32528 BD hunte@si.edu text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-11-17 244 1 57 journal article 21860 10.5852/ejt.2016.244 3b46d4f3-8a5a-4d63-b338-48c6da9e8f3c 2118-9773 3850626 D26E7E13-35AB-422A-B929-01AEBA7AB0A4 Bairdoppilata sp. 1 Fig. 5M Material examined BRAZIL : Massapê outcrop, Riachuelo Municipality, Sergipe State (samples MP-1516, MP-1518, MP- 1520, MP-1545 and MP-1546), approximate coordinates 10°06' S , 37°10' W . Measurements Hypotype (CP-678): right valve: length = 0.69 mm , height = 0.32 mm . Remarks Bairdoppilata sp. 1 is remarkable among Bairdoppilata species of the lower Cretaceous because of the combination of the following features: an elongate overall shape, elongate posterior end, comparable to B. southerhamensis Weaver, 1982 (although this species' carapace displays greater height) ( Weaver 1982 ), and punctuate ornamentation. The current specimens probably represent a new species, but due to the small amount of material (composed solely of valves) recovered, we opt to leave it in open nomenclature. Paleoecology and distribution Bairdoppilata sp. 1 is a marine, shelf species occurring in the Maruim Member, Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil , Albian, Aracajuia antiqua zone (MSA-1).