A revision of the genus Macrolygistopterus Pic, 1929 (Coleoptera, Lycidae, Calochromini) Author Ferreira, Vinicius S. text Zootaxa 2016 4105 4 321 338 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4105.4.2 23dcb341-8737-42cb-bef7-7f29437f2788 1175-5326 271306 07266FCB-8D6E-4AEA-9159-ECE7D8D31ED0 Macrolygistopterus caeruleus (Gorham, 1881) ( Figs. 3 , 12 , 21 , 29 , 38 , 45 ) Lygistopterus caeruleus Gorham, 1884 : 227 (original description); Kleine, 1933 : 104 (catalogue); Blackwelder, 1945 : 351 (catalogue). Type material. Lygistopterus caeruleus : syntype , male from Guatemala , Quiche Mountains, and two syntype females from Guatemala , one from Tepan and the other from Totonicapam, hereby designated as lectotype and paralectotypes , deposited at BMNH . Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other Macrolygistopterus by having the pronotum subtrapezoidal, with anterior and lateral margins stout and pronounced and by the entire elytra bluish black, iridescent, distally broadened. Redescription. Head black, with rostrum as long as antennomeres I+II ( Fig. 12 ); coronal suture shallow; median interocular distance of 3x the width of eyes. Mandibles slightly arched, testaceous. Maxillary palp with palpomeres III+IV as long as II; palpomere I small, about half the length of II; palpomere IV securiform, broadened compared to others. Antennae finely pubescent, scape long, tubular, as long as III; antennomere II small, 1/6 of antennomere I length; antennomere III subequal to I in length; antennomeres IV and V subequal, length of 3/ 4 of antennomere III; antennomeres V to XI gradually decreasing in length. Pronotum subtrapezoidal, transverse, wider than longer (9:11), orange testaceous, with margins stout and pronounced, and median black stripe; a pair of longitudinal elevations parallels, constrict at basal and apical third, broadened in middle third; with a pair of oblique elevations in basal third region ( Fig. 21 ). Scutellum black, longer than wider. Elytra broadened in apical third, margins stout, bluish black, iridescent, strongly punctuate, without transversal lines. Arrangement of elytral costae: costa I and IV subapically forming an arch, obliterated in the apical third in costa I and in middle third in costa IV; costa II following alone until touching the costa IV margin of arch, not obliterated; costa III following alone until middle third splitting in two and touching the outer margin of costa III and inner margin of costa IV, obliterated. Apical region of elytral costa partially obliterated ( Figs. 3 , 29 ). Female ventrite VII transverse, densely pubescent, with apical region shallow notched, forming two nonprominent rounded apices ( Fig. 38 ). Width at humeri> 3.2–3.6mm. Elytral length—12.5–14.5mm. Distribution. Guatemala and Mexico ( Fig. 45 ). Examined material. [ Guatemala ] Quiche Mts., 7–900ft , Champion, B.C.A. Col. III.(2), 1♂ ( lectotype ) ( BMNH ); Guatemala ] Totonicapam, 85–100 ft ., Champion, B.C.A. Col. III.(2), 1♀( paralectotype ) ( BMNH ); [ Guatemala ] Tepan, Guatemala , Conradt,1♀ ( paralectotype ) ( BMNH ); Mexique , 1♂ ( IRSN ).