Oriental Teratomyzidae (Diptera: Schizophora) Author Papp, László text Zootaxa 2011 2916 1 34 journal article 46668 10.5281/zenodo.203613 7682820a-2677-4ca4-b94b-5f0ab06a2892 1175-5326 203613 Poecilovitila taiwanica sp. nov. ( Fig. 119 ) Type material. Holotype Ƥ ( HNHM ): TAIWAN , Taichung Hsien, Anmashan Mts, 1800m , 24º14’28.9” E 120º56’45.8”, in a dry creek bed, Apr 5, 2003 , No. 20, L. Papp & M. Földvári. Description. Measurements in mm: body length 2.81; wing length 3.81; wing width 1.26. Male unknown. Female. Head . Occiput strongly concave. Frons (postfrons) shining dark brown with minute sparse microtrichia at the same time. Prefrons (facial plate ochre, moderately shining, with similarsparse microtrichia as on postfrons. Gena densely microtomentose. Gena very broad ( 0.15 mm ), nearly as the height of first flagellomere. Genal setae: a long subocular of 0.26 mm and several long genal setae closer to mouth edge. Scape normal, short, i.e. length and width ca. the same, without distinct setae. Pedicel with 1 long ( 0.15 mm ) dorsal setae plus several moderately long subapical setae. First flagellomere sub-spherical, 0.20 mm long dorsally, 0.15 mm broad (high). Ommatrichia are less dense and shorter than 0.015 mm . Thorax. We do not observed any specific features there. Mesonotum and scutellum moderately shining, not granulose, dark brown; this colour is characteristic also for the dorsal parts of pleura to the middle of anepisternum and ventral third of anepimeron, more ventral pleural parts ochre. Wing . Vein R2+3 only slightly thickened medially, consequently r1 cell much broader there, than vein R2+3 ( Fig. 119 ). Wing membrane brown, darker basally, at edge of R1, around white spot to wing apex, on lower half of r2+3 and on upper part of cell r4+5; somewhat darker in m cells centrally. White spot pentagonal (sub-trapezoid) up 0.19 mm , down 0.09 mm and 0.185 mm high. Length of costal sections (all wing measurements in mm) between R1 and R2+3 1.86, between R2+3 and R4+5 1.01, between R4+5 and M1+2 0.64, inter-crossvein section oblique 0.033, costal seta 0.10, length of basal cell 0.32, length of discal cell 0.55, distance between apices of M veins 1.12 mm , cell r1 0.04 mm at narrowest, there vein R2+3 0.022 mm thick. Costal vein continued on a section of 0.077 mm over the apex of R4+5. Apical seta 0.10 mm only. M3+4 strongly re-curved sub-basally. Halter dark brown. Legs all yellow with small brown spots on knees. Abdomen all dark brown. Remark. A very large species easy to identify. Among those species (a smaller part of the known species of Poecilovitila ), where first flagellomere sub-spherical (i.e. about as long as high in profile), its ommatrichia less dense and shorter than 0.015 mm and the lateral light markings of abdomen are very small. Its closest relative is possibly P. brevicornis , but contrarily to it, its vein R2+3 only slightly thickened medially (r1 cell much broader there, than vein R2+3 ( Fig. 119 ). Gena of P. taiwanica is very broad, nearly as the height of first flagellomere. Etymology. The specific epithet of this new species refers to Taiwan , where it has been collected.