The species of Gonocnemis and Paragonocnemis from Borneo with notes on synonymy in the Oriental species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Author Bremer, Hans J. ) &) Diakonie Wohnstift am Westerberg, Bergstrasse 35 B, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany; e-mail: hjbremer @ live. de Author Grimm, Roland ) &) Unterer Sägerweg 74, 75305 Neuenbürg, Germany; e-mail: grimm. tenebrio @ t-online. de text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2017-12-31 57 2 331 343 journal article 7769 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0079 20436c9c-2b03-46c4-b53c-b14cc674f8e3 0374-1036 4504000 9FB0A4B6-2876-4331-A235-0B5A3781BF07 Gonocnemis borneensis Ardoin, 1964 (Figs 3a, 3b) Gonocnemis borneensis Ardoin, 1964d: 133–134 (original description). BREMER (2006) : 6 (photograph). Type locality. Indonesia , South Kalimantan Province , Pengaron. Type material examined. HOLOTYPE : Borneo, Pengaron, 59217, Doherty ( BMNH ). Additional material examined. MALAYSIA : SABAH : S Keningau , 350 m , 20.–22.iii.2007 , 1 spec. , W. Schawaller leg. ( SMNS ) ; Keningau , 300 m , 26.–28.i.2010 , 1 spec. (at light), R . Grimm leg. ( RGCN ) ; near Keningau, fogging, Melanolepis sp., B4, 20.ii.2001 , 1 spec. , A. Floren leg. ( ZSM ) ; Tambunan , 500 m , 4.–8.ii.2014 , 1 spec. , R . Grimm leg. ( RGCN ). SARAWAK: Santubong Peninsula , Permai Rainforets Resort , 10–150 m , 29.iii.–3.iv.2016 , 1 spec. , R . Grimm leg. ( RGCN ). INDONESIA : EAST KALIMANTAN: Ca. 55 km W of Balikpapan , PT Fajar Surya Swadaya [area], base camp surrounded with Acacia plantation, 01°16.4′S , 116°21.1′E , 82 m , 23.xi.–1.xii.2011 , 7 spec. (individual collecting on vegetation, dead wood and in puddles), J. Hájek , J. Schneider & P. Votruba leg. (5 NMPC , 2 SMNS ) . Diagnostic description. Body length 3.15–4.01 mm , body width 1.47–1.82 mm . Ratios: pronotum width / length 1.12–1.17, elytra length / width 1.57–1.62, length elytra / length pronotum 2.55–2.62, greatest width elytra / greatest width pronotum 1.40–1.42. Upper side brown, antennae and legs lighter brown, pronotum dull, elytra somewhat lustrous. Characterized by extremely short hairs on both sides of carinae of elytral intervals (visible at 50× magnification, one row of hairs on each side, especially discernible in apical area). Eyes touching each other on frons. Pronotum with dense, small punctures; disc moderately convex; lateral margins broadly explanate and somewhat serrate, maximum width in middle, slightly arcuate towards frontal corners, nearly straight to shallowly emarginate towards hind corners; hind corners sharp, with angle of about 85°, anterior margin not emarginate. Elytra elongate oval, with eight carinated intervals, punctures of rows large, distances on disc equal to their diameters. Basal 2/5 of protibiae markedly bent. Antennomeres VIII–X drop-shaped (length/ width of penultimate antennomere 8: 7). For aedeagus see Fig. 3b. Differential diagnosis. Hairs on both sides of carinated elytral intervals are markedly shorter than those of other Gonocnemis species of the Oriental Region . Distribution. Borneo ( ARDOIN 1964d ).