Revision of Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) Kieffer and Ainuyusurika Sasa et Shirasaki (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Oyewo, Emmanuel Adeoye Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1953 1 145 journal article 1175­5334 Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) kasumiense (Sasa) ( Figs 21C–G ) Pentapedilum kasumiensis Sasa, 1979: 13 . Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) convexum Hashimoto, 1983: 21 , not Johannsen (1932: 540) . Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) ginzanfegeum Sasa et Suzuki, 2001: 14 . Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) unzenum Sasa et Suzuki, 2001: 14 . Material examined. JAPAN : Locality not stated, 2 males , 26.viii.1994 , , T . Kobayashi ( NMST Nos 17: 10; 17: 14) . Diagnostic characters. The male differs from other species with a very broad anal point ( convexum group), except P . ( Pe .) anale , by having a V-shaped median furrow, sharply pointed projection of superior volsella, and cell m basal of RM with less than 25 setae. It differs from P . ( Pe .) anale by having more numerous macrotrichia on the wing with cell m basal of RM with 14–20 macrotrichia as opposed to 1–13 in P . ( Pe .) kasumiense , 23–26 dorsocentrals as opposed to 9–16, and 29–30 setae on the clypeus as opposed to 17–25 in P . ( Pe .) anale . The female antennal segment 5 with 2 apical setae is a distinguishing feature from P . ( Pe .) anale . The pupa is similar to P . ( Pe .) convexum by having bare segments VII and VIII . However, it can be distinguished from P . ( Pe .) convexum by having several posterior rows of shagreen on segments IIVI as opposed to 2 spots in P . ( Pe .) convexum . Male (n = 2, unless otherwise stated) Total length 2.30–3.56 mm . Wing length 1.54–1.56 mm . Total length / wing length 1.49–1.64. Wing length / length of profemur 2.13 (1). Ground color yellowish brown; postnotum, antepronotum, preepisternum and scutum brown. Abdomen yellowish brown with narrow dark apices; femur, tibia and tarsi pale yellow. Head. Antennae lost. AR 1.13–1.39 according to Sasa (1979) and Sasa and Suzuki (2001) . Temporal setae 7–10. Clypeus with 29–30 setae. Tentorium 140 µm long. Stipes 128 (1) µm long. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 35, 40–44, 96–107, 121–133, 176–203. Fifth palpomere / third palpomere 1.83–1.89. Thorax. Acrostichals 12–19, dorsocentrals 23–26, prealars 10. Scutellum with 11–13 setae. Wing. Anal lobe developed. VR 1.20–1.22. Brachiolum with 1 (1) seta, Sc with 22–24, R with 29–30, R 1 with 29–31, R 4+5 with 62–66, M with 11–14, RM with 2–3, M 1+2 with 53 (1), M 3+4 with 30 (1), Cu with 22–33, Cu 1 with 36–56, PCu with 33–56, An with 18–22 setae. Cells r 4+5 , m 1+2 and m 3+4 each with more than 100 macrotrichia. Cell m basal of RM with 14–20 macrotrichia. Squama with 11 (1) setae; 4–7 according to Sasa (1979) and Sasa and Suzuki (2001) . Legs. Scale on foretibia 44–49 µm long, with 16 µm long triangular subapical spur. Spurs on midtibia 57– 70 µm long, on hind tibia 62–68 µm long. Comb on midtibia 23–25 µm long, combs on hind tibia 23–26 µm and 23–26 µm long. Width at apex of foretibia 44–47 µm, of midtibia 47–55 µm, of hind tibia 54–60 µm. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 25 . TABLE 25. Length (in µm) and proportions of legs of Polypedilum ( Pe. ) kasumiense (Sasa) , male (n = 1–2).
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4
p1 731 295–414
p2 731–847 599–649 375–414 187–207 146–151 91–99
p3 667–706 530–593 274–292 242–264 146–160
p2 46–52 0.63–0.64 3.62–3.76 3.55–3.61 46–52
p3 62–64 0.79–0.84 62–64
Hypopygium ( Fig. 21C ). Tergite IX with 18–34 median setae; laterosternite IX with 2 setae. Anal point ( Fig. 21D ) with large V-shaped ridge, 65–72 µm long, 21–31 µm wide at base, with broadly rounded 18–23 µm wide apex. Transverse sternapodeme 30–43 µm long; phallapodeme 61–70 µm long. Gonocoxite 145–148 µm long. Superior volsella ( Fig. 21F, G ) 55–56 µm long, base with microtrichia and 4–5 inner setae, projection with strongly pointed apex, with 1–2 dorsolateral setae. Inferior volsella ( Fig. 21E ) 77–79 µm long, parallel-sided, slender, with prominent apical seta. Gonostylus 145–152 µm long. HR 0.97–1.00, HV 1.51–1.77.
Remarks. Female, pupa and larva are superficially described and illustrated in Sasa (1979: 13 , Figs 21 , 22 ). Distribution. Known only from Japan .