Taxonomic Review Of The Goblin Spiders Of The Genus Dysderoides Fage And Their Himalayan Relatives Of The Genera Trilacuna Tong And Li And Himalayana, New Genus (Araneae: Oonopidae) Author Grismado, Cristian J. Author Deeleman, Christa Author Piacentini, Luis N. Author Izquierdo, Matías A. Author Ramírez, Martín J. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 2014-04-21 2014 387 1 108 journal article 118225 10.1206/843.1 46744a84-f2dd-4ded-a258-c6090c11a30a 0003-0090 5379126 Himalayana andreae Grismado , new species Figures 73–75 , 82A–B TYPES: Male holotype from India : West Bengal : Darjeeling : between Lopchu and Ghoom at 13 km from Ghoom , north slope, 2000 m , Oct. 12, 1978 , C. Besuchet and I. Löbl ( MHNG PBI_OON 15540 ) ; one male paratype with same data ( MHNG PBI_OON 12902 ) ; one female paratype from Ghoom , Tigerhill , south side, leaf litter, 2300 m , Oct. 13, 1978 , C. Besuchet and I. Löbl ( MHNG PBI_OON 12820 ). Fig. 68. Himalayana martensi , new species , male (PBI_OON 14923). A. Carapace, anterior view. B. Abdomen, ventral view. C. Left palp, retrolateral view. D. Same, dorsal view. E. Same, prolateral view. ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Andrea Raya, wife of the first author. DIAGNOSIS: Males of this species are recognizable by the conspicuously protruding epigastric scutum bearing two lateral brushshaped bunches of long, straight, dark setae (fig. 75B) and by the long, flattened, anteriorly directed setaelike projections on the prolateral side of the copulatory bulb (figs. 75C–E, 82B). Females resemble those of H. castanopsis by the short lateral branches of the T-shaped anterior sclerite, but their endings are acute rather than rounded, and the lateral apodemes are slightly longer (fig. 82A). The female genitalia are also similar to that of H. siliwalae , but differs somatically by the more sclerotized scuta and by the wider sternum (fig. 73E). DESCRIPTION: Male ( holotype , PBI_OON 15540). Total length 1.42. Cephalothorax: Carapace pars cephalica strongly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, sides strongly reticulate; lateral margin smooth; nonmarginal pars cephalica in U-shaped row, lost; nonmarginal pars thoracica setae lost (only their bases remain); marginal setae absent. Eyes all subequal, PME oval, PLE oval; posterior eye row recurved from both above and front; ALE separated by more than their diameter, ALE–PLE touching, PME touching for less than half their length. Sternum as long as wide, lateral margins with narrow extensions between coxae, orange; setae densest laterally. Chelicerae, endites, and labium orange. Abdomen: Book lung covers ovoid. Pedicel tube medium sized. Dorsal scutum orange. Epigastric scutum strongly protruding. Postepigastric scutum orange. Dorsum setae light. Epigastric area with a pair of ventrolateral brushlike bunches of stout setae between the respiratory openings (fig. 75B). Postepigastric area setae light, absent in the area between the sperm pore and the posterior spiracles. Spinneret scutum with fringe of stout setae. Colulus represented only by setae. Legs: Pale orange. Leg spination (all spines longer than segment width): leg I: tibiae v2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2- 2-0; leg II: tibia v2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-0. Tarsi I–IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore large, circular. Palp: femur enlarged; cymbium ovoid in dorsal view; bulb pale orange, distal part with long, flattened, posteriorly directed setaelike projections on the prolateral side (figs. 75C–E, 82B). Fig. 69. Himalayana castanopsis , new species , female (PBI_OON 15747). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Same, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. G. Same, anterior view. H. Epigastric area, ventral view. Fig. 70. Himalayana castanopsis , new species , male (PBI_OON 15978). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Same, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. Fig. 71. Himalayana castanopsis , new species , male (PBI_OON 15978). A. Habitus, anterior view. B. Abdomen, ventral view. C. Left palp, retrolateral view. D. Same, dorsal view. E. Same, prolateral view. Female ( paratype , PBI_OON 12820). Total length 1.80. As in male except as noted. Abdomen: Epigastric and postepigastric scuta lightly sclerotized, without special setae or protrusions. Legs: Leg spination as in male. Genitalia: Lateral branches of the T-shaped anterior sclerite short and acute, lateral apodemes relatively long (fig. 82A). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: INDIA : West Bengal : Darjeeling : between Algarah and Labha , 7 km from Algarah , south side, 1900 m , Oct. 11, 1978 , C. Besuchet and I. Löbl 1♂ ( MACN-Ar 28840 , PBI_OON 12847 ). Fig. 72. Himalayana spp. genitalia. A, B. Himalayana kathmandu , new species . A. Female (PBI_OON 15258), internal genitalia, dorsal view. AP = apodeme; AS = anterior sclerite; PR = posterior receptacle; TP = transverse plates; arrow = glandular field. B. Male (PBI_OON 15268), left palp, retrolateral view. Arrow = acute dorsal projection; GT = glandular tube). C, D. Himalayana martensi , new species . C. Female (PBI_OON 14923), internal genitalia, dorsal view. D. Male (PBI_OON 14923), left palp, prolateral view. E, F. Himalayana castanopsis , new species . E. female (PBI_OON 15747), internal genitalia, dorsal view. F. Male (PBI_OON 15978), left palp, prolateral view. Fig. 73. Himalayana andreae , new species , female (PBI_OON 12820). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Same, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. G. Habitus, anterior view. H. Epigastric area, ventral view. Fig. 74. Himalayana andreae , new species , male ( A, B, D, PBI_OON 15540; C, E, F, PBI_OON 12902). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Same, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. DISTRIBUTION: Darjeeling, in West Bengal (northeastern India ), between 1900 and 2300 m above the sea level.