Gobiid fishes of the genus Bryaninops from the Red Sea, with description of two new species and two new records
Suzuki, Toshiyuki
Bogorodsky, Sergey V.
Randall, John E.
journal article
Key to the Red Sea Species of
1a. Gill opening short, extending to ventral edge of pectoral-fin base or slightly anterior; lower edge of preopercle slightly scalloped............................................................................................... 2
1b. Gill opening broad, extending forward at least to posterior margin of preopercle; lower edge of preopercle not scalloped.... 3
2a. Pectoral-fin rays 12–14 (usually 13); upper jaw projecting anterior to lower jaw......................
Bryaninops tigris
2b. Pectoral-fin rays 15 or 16; jaws equal........................................................
Bryaninops yongei
3a. No recurved canine tooth at side of lower jaw; gill opening extending forward to posterior edge of preopercle; pectoral-fin rays 13 or 14...............................................................................
Bryaninops ridens
3b. A recurved canine tooth at side of lower jaw; gill opening extending forward to or anterior to posterior edge of orbit; pectoralfin rays 14–17 (usually 15 or 16)..........................................................................4
4a. Snout long, longer than orbit diameter, 41% head length; anal soft rays 8; pelvic frenum without an anteriorly-directed pocket, the pelvic spines flattened to a lobe and joined to frenum.............................
Bryaninops spongicolus
n. sp.
4b. Snout not long, usually shorter than orbit diameter, 20–31% head length; anal soft rays usually 9; pelvic frenum with an anteriorly-directed pocket, the pelvic spines short and fleshy........................................................ 5
5a. Body slender, the depth at anus 11–13% SL; posterior interorbital pore present; body transparent only dorsally where crossed by saddle-like bars.....................................................................................6
5b. Body not slender, the depth at anus 16–25% SL; posterior interorbital pore absent; body transparent except for yellow over abdomen..............................................................................
Bryaninops natans
6a. Pelvic fins cup-like; numerous dark brown dots (in preservative) over all of body posterior to abdomen; pink to red bars dorsally on body faint in life....................................................................
Bryaninops loki
6b. Pelvic fins dish-like in adults; numerous dark brown dots (in preservative) only on ventral half of body posterior to abdomen; pink and black bars dorsally on body distinct in life........................................
Bryaninops discus
n. sp.