New combinations and names in Heliotropium (Heliotropiaceae) from South America, including a new occurrence for the flora of Ecuador Author Melo, José Iranildo Miranda De text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-10-11 568 1 92 98 journal article 163379 10.11646/phytotaxa.568.1.7 0d067843-d13e-4ec6-8363-397a7b4b4629 1179-3163 7184318 Heliotropium romeroi (I.M. Johnst.) J.I.M.Melo , comb. nov. ( Figure 1 ). Basionym: Tournefortia romeroi I.M. Johnst., J. Arnold Arbor. 37: 294. 1956 . Type:— COLOMBIA . Depto. Nariño , En el Km 86 del ferrocarril, Fumaco, El Diviso , 27 Julio 1952 , R . Romero-Castañeda 3317 ( holotype : A00096473 , image!; isotypes: COL000004066 , image!; NY00337253 , image!) . Distribution.— Colombia , Ecuador ( Figure 2 ). Notes.— Heliotropium romeroi is recorded here for the first time in Ecuador . Additional examined material.— ECUADOR . Esmeraldas : Quinindé Cantón , The Mache- Chindul Ecologic Reserve , Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains , 35 km W of Quinindé , Premontane wet forest, 00 o 21’, 79 o 44’, 500 m , 18 November 1996 , J . L . Clark, F. Gurumendí & H. Weinert 3437 ( QCNE128782 !) . COLOMBIA . Nariño : Mpio. Tumaco , La Guayacana , Alt. 20-100m , 12 July 1964 , D.D. Soejarto 958 ( COL , ECON , GH , US2883488, image!) ; Mpio. Tumaco , La Guayacana , 27 June 1951 , R . Romero-Castañeda 2837 ( F1417576 , image!); Mpio. Tumaco , 80 km from Tumaco along road to Pasto (Guayacana), 19 July 1984 , M . J . Balick, L.E. Forero, S.R. King & N. Hernández 1667 ( MA 400047, image!; MO , 3531270!) .