A new apterous genus and species of Carventinae from China (Heteroptera: Aradidae)
Bai, X.
Heiss, E.
Cai, W.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Crassocoris hsiaoi
Figs 1-9
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
8. IX.2005
L.S. Chen
leg. (
D e s c r i p t i o n:
Female, apterous. Color: Body blackish brown, incrustation grayish brown. Eyes reddish. Head, thoracic tergites and pleura, most of abdominal tergites, connexiva, lateral portions of third to sixth abdominal sterna, and seventh sternum covered with incrustation. Antenna and legs beset with adpressed setae (
Fig. 1
H e a d: Longer than width across eyes; genae slightly notched anteriorly, reaching basal two-fifths of first antennal segment; clypeus strongly raised anteriorly, with a tubercle near apex. Antenniferous tubercles short, dilated, apices acute, divergent anteriorly. Eyes small, convex laterally. Postocular margins sinuate. Infraocular callosities large, ovate, separated from median ridge by deep sulci (
Figs 3, 4
). Antennae
2.34 times as long as width of head across eyes. Rostrum short, rostral groove narrow, deep, closed posteriorly (
Fig. 5
P r o n o t u m 2.23 times as wide as long, subrectangular; collar narrow but distinct; anterolateral angles not produced; disc with a longitudinal sulcate median carina which is slightly constricted at middle, dilated posteriorly and flanked by deep depressions anterolaterally (
Fig. 3
); laterad of median carina disc with 2 (1+1) large subtriangular elevations and small callosities, and another elevation laterad; posterior margin of pronotum slightly convex, separated from mesonotum by a deep furrow.
M e s o n o t u m Wider than pronotum; separated from metanotum by thin sulci laterally; an elongate posteriorly diverging ridge extends from meso-to metanotum and tergite one, which is depressed anteriorly and raised posteriorly, its lateral borders granulate and delimited by deep grooves along the mesonotum. Disk laterad of median ridge with 2 (1+1) high longitudinal elevations; posterolateral angles lobulately produced.
M e t a n o t u m: Wider than mesonotum, fused to tergites one and two, forming a hexagonal plate. Disk laterad of not clearly delimited median ridge with 2 (1+1) high longitudinal elevations, similar to those of mesonotum; posterolateral angles sinuately produced.
L e g s: Slender, preapical comb on fore tibiae present, claws with fine pseudopulvilli (
Fig. 8
T e r g i t e I: With 2 (1+1) high transverse ovate ridges, separated medially by a wide, deep depression; laterad of ridges with 2 (1+1) shallow ovate depressions.
T e r g i t e I I: Wide, sloping posteriorly and laterally, medially depressed (
Fig. 3
A b d o m e n Tergal plate consisting of terga III to VI; anterior margin slightly produced medially, truncate posteriorly, lateral margins slightly convex; median longitudinal elevation is raised on mediotergite III, highest on mediotergite IV and tapering and lowering on mediotergites V and VI; scent gland openings distinct; disk laterad of median elevation with the usual pattern of larger and smaler callous spots. Connexiva subhorizontal; deltg II and III completely fused, others separated by fine sulci; posterolateral angles of deltg II to VII progressively protruding; paratergites VIII clavate; terminal segments of abdomen as in
Figs 1
. Spiracles II to IV ventral, V to VII lateral and visible from above, VIII terminal (
Figs 1
V e n t e r: Prosternum with a median elevation; mesosternum flattened medially, metasternum and fused sterna I + II with a subrectangular median depression. Sterna III to VI raising along posterior border, depressed along anterior border, with triangular, smooth spots medially, flanked by 2 (1+1) large, transversely ovate shallow depressions with round callous spots and 4 (2+2) smaller round callous spots laterad.
M e a s u r e m e n t s: [of
, in mm]. Body length 6.6; maximal width of abdomen 3.48. Length of head (including neck) 1.30, width across eyes 0.99. Length of pronotum 0.73, width 1.62. Width of mesonotum 2.23. Width of metanotum 3.22. Length of antennal segments I–IV = 0.73, 0.36, 0.83, 0.39.
E t y m o l o g y: This specific name is given in honor of the late Prof. T.Y. Hsiao for his great contribution to the knowledge of Chinese
D i s t r i b u t i o n: