New and additional distribution data of the genus Acupalpus LATREILLE 1829 from the Middle East and adjacent areas (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Stenolophina) Author Jaeger, B. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2011 2011-07-25 43 1 763 775 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5325166 0253-116X 5325166 Acupalpus ( Acupalpus ) meridianus (LINNAEUS 1761) G e n e r a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Middle and West Siberia, Kyrgyzstan , Kazakhstan , Transcaucasia, Middle East, Europe (from central Russia in the east to France in the west and northern Spain in the southwest, and from southern Fennoscandia in the north to Italy and the Balkan Peninsula in the south and southeast. D i s t r i b u t i o n i n M i d d l e E a s t: So far recorded from Iran ( BODEMEYER 1927: 39 ) and Turkey ( BODEMEYER 1900: 105 , JEDLIČKA 1962: 66 , JAEGER 1992: 226 , 1999: 961 ). The following additional material, including first records for the Turkish provinces Antalya , Kars , Niğde , Ordu and Tokat has been examined. E x a m i n e d m a t e r i a l: T u r k e y: Ankara : ca. 20 km N Beypazari , 1540 m , 40°17'40"N , 31°59'07", wetland, under stones, III. 2010 , Assing (2 – MNHUB ); 10 km S Güven , Sarayköy env., Egrekkaya Baraji, VII. 2005 , Hajdaj (1 – cWRA). - Antalya : Mt. Beydaglari , 1650-1900 m , Saklikent, VI. 1994 , Pütz (2 – cPÜT). – Kars : Cildir Gölü, VI. 1989 , Schönmann & Schillhammer (1 – NHMW ); Cildir Gölü ( 1950 m ), Dogruyol env., VI. 1998 , Vonička (1 – cWRA). – Kastamonu : 45 km NW Kastamonu , 1090 m , 41°42'05"N , 33°28'17", calcareous slope, III. 2010 , Assing (1 – MNHUB ). - Niğde : Aladaği 2700 m , W of Pinarbasi , N 37°53 E 35°11 , V. 2007 , Marggi (20 – cMAR, cJAE). – Ordu : Koyulhisar, V. 1989 , Schönmann & Schillhammer (1 – NHMW ). - Tokat : 31 km ENE Tokat , Almus, 810 m , 40°23'N , 36°55'E (shore of reservoir), VII. 2008 , Schülke (4 – cWRA) . I r a n: Nord Persia , 1862, Doria (1 – MCSNG).