Measurement |
M. sanfelipensis
M. sanfelipensis
M. auritus
(from Silva
et al
., 2007)
Skull |
Interorbital width |
(6) 14,09 ± 0,5 (13,15–14,55) |
(1) 15.36 |
(4) 14,3 ± 0,71 (13,4–15,1) |
Frontal width |
(6) 16,26 ± 0,93 (14,84–17,58) |
(1) 15.82 |
(4) 16,8 ± 0,72 (15,8–17,4) |
Temporal width |
(6) 20,77 ± 0,52 (20,04–21.57) |
(1) 21.25 |
(4) 20,7 ± 0,84 (19,6–21,6) |
Intertemporal width |
(6) 6,98 ± 0,56 (6,24–7,75) |
(1) 6.82 |
(4) 6,2 ± 1,46 (4,8–8,0) |
Nasal width |
(6) 7,75 ± 0,5 (7,26–8,4) |
(1) 9.22 |
(4) 7,9 ± 0,51 (7,3–8,5) |
Zygomatic width |
(6) 31,7 ± 0,84 (30,82–33.19) |
(1) 33.98 |
(4) 31,2 ± 0,81 (30,1–32,1) |
Mastoid width |
(6) 23,52 ± 0,48 (22,85–24,26) |
(4) 23,6 ± 0,92 (22,7–24,8) |
Alveolar length of the molariform series |
(6) 12,99 ± 1,13 (11,99–13,56) |
(1) 15.34 |
(4) 12,4 ± 0,21 (12,2–12,7) |
Coronal length of the molariform series |
(6) 12,92 ± 0,73 (11,79–13,71) |
(4) 22,4 ± 0,90 (21,6–23,3) |
Acoustic width |
(6) 23,49 ± 0,74 (22,54–24,67) |
(4) 24,4 ± 0,76 (23,8–25,4) |
Condylar width |
(6) 11,85 ± 0,71 (11,05–12,86) |
(4) 11,4 ± 0,54 (10,9–12,1) |
Incisive width |
(6) 3,83 ± 0,37 (3,37–4,41) |
(3) 3,6 0,15 (3,5–3,8) 4,2 |
Alveolar premolar width |
(6) 8,68 ± 0,41 (8,27–9,4) |
(1) 9.42 |
(4) 7,8 ± 0,31 (7,4–8,1) 4,0 |
Coronal premolar width |
(6) 8,75 ± 0,42 (8,27–9,5) |
(4) 8,3 ± 0,30 (8,0–8,6) 3,6 |
Alveolar molar width |
(6) 11.12 ± 0.67 (10.58–12.38) |
(1) 12.84 |
(4) 10,1 ± 0,23 (9,8–10,4) 2,3 |
Coronal molar width |
(6) 11,44 ± 0,77 (10,82–12,93) |
(4) 10,8 ± 0,29 (10,4–11,1) |
Basioccipital width |
(6) 3,54 ± 0,64 (2,66–4,33) |
(1) 3.37 |
(4) 3,3 ± 0,42 (2,9–3,9) |
Condyle-premaxilla length |
(6) 58,4 ± 2,83 (56–63,39) |
(4) 59,7 ± 1,42 (57,6–60,8) |
Occipitopremaxila length |
(6) 62,25 ± 1,18 (60,8–63,39) |
(4) 63,0 ± 1,05 (61,8–64,3) |
Height of the occipital region |
(6) 14,77 ± 0,71 (13,91–15,65) |
(4) 14,8 ± 0,88 (13,7–15,8) |
Diastema length |
(6) 16,04 ± 0,76 (15,14–16,86) |
(1) 17.63 |
(4) 16,8 ± 0,91 (15,5–17,5) |
Nasal length |
(5) 19,63 ± 0,58 (19,06–20,34) |
(1) 19.84 |
(4) 19,0 ± 0,87 (17,9–20,0) |
Frontal length |
(6) 21,23 ± 0,57 (20,46–21,95) |
(1) 22.13 |
(4) 21,5 ± 0,67 (20,7–22,3) |
Preorbital Arch width |
(6) 2,14 ± 0,29 (1,75–2,56) |
(1) 2.0 4 |
(4) 1,8 ± 0,43 (1,4–2,4) |
Zygomatic length |
(6) 23,28 ± 0,73 (22,45–24,14) |
(4) 22,4 ± 0,90 (21,6–23,3) |
Postfrontal length |
(6) 23,4 ± 0,7 (22,17–24,31) |
(4) 22,8 ± 0,47 (22,2–23,2) |
Horizontal diameter of the foramen magnum |
(6) 8,55 ± 0,41 (7,93–9,02) |
(4) 7,3 ± 0,67 (6,6–8,2) |
Vertical diameter of the foramen magnum |
(6) 8,92 ± 0,4 (8,56–9,62) |
(4) 7,8 ± 0,42 (7,4–8,4) |
Coronal Premolar length |
(6) 3,94 ± 0,16 (3,76–4,23) |
(1) 4.52 |
Coronal Premolar width |
(6) 3,23 ± 0,23 (2,86–3,45) |
(1) 3.43 |