Three new species of Cylloepus Erichson (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) from Southeastern Brazil Author Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti Author Passos, Maria Inês Da Silva Dos Author Ferreira-Jr, Nelson text Zootaxa 2011 2797 57 64 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.201465 81592faa-62a5-4078-91e8-1c5c63ae967e 1175-5326 201465 Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–3 ) Diagnosis. Head with coarse and fine granules. Pronotum with a pair of sublateral carinae; a pair of longitudinal median carinae beginning together in front of the scutellum, diverging toward but fading before the anterior margin. Elytron with long carinae on the sixth and eighth intervals, and short carinae on the second, third and fourth intervals. Male genitalia with median lobe extending slightly beyond the parameres, wider near the basal fourth, narrowing toward a rounded apex. Phallobase dorsally with median triangular projection beginning at the apical half of median lobe, extending to apical 1/5. Parameres wide at base, narrowing toward the apices. Description. Holotype male: total length 4.00 mm; head width 0.70 mm , length 0.43 mm ; pronotum width 1.15 mm , length 1.02 mm ; elytra width 1.60 mm , length 2.72 mm . Body dark brown; antennae and mouthparts brown. Head surface with coarse granules, bigger than the facet of eyes, separated by 1–2 diameters, and granules smaller than the facet of eyes. Eyes laterally and dorsally prominent. Filiform antenna with short setae on the four apical antennomeres, and apex of last antennomere prominent. Broad clypeus, with anterior margin arcuate, lateral angles rounded, and surface similar to the rest of head. Margins of labrum rounded and surface with short setae (about 1/3 of labrum length) except on the median portion near anterior margin. Pronotum slightly wider than long; anterior margin feebly rounded; lateral margin arcuate and crenate; posterior margin biarcuate; a pair of complete sublateral carinae, with flattened granules, bigger than the facet of eyes, separated by one diameter; a pair of median longitudinal carinae, beginning together in front of scutellum, and diverging toward the anterior margin, but not reaching it; surface between median and sublateral carinae smooth with sparse micropunctuations. Elytra twice as long as wide with anterior margin rounded, lateral margin crenate, and apices feebly projected with elytral suture separated; striae with punctuations separated by less than one diameter. Second, third, fourth, sixth, and eighth intervals carinate. Second interval carina very small and submarginal, not reaching anterior margin; carina of third interval beginning on anterior margin, extending to the basal fourth; carina of fourth interval beginning slightly before the first carina and extending beyond it; inner and outer sublateral carinae beginning on the humerus and reaching apical 2/3 and 4/5, respectively; all carinae with granules bigger than facet of eyes, separated by less than one diameter. Scutellum longer than wide, with anterior margin feebly arcuate and lateral margins converging to acute apex. Hypomeron granulose. Prosternum with anterior margin convex; surface with granules bigger than facet of eyes, more conspicuous near lateral margin. Prosternal process wide (about 1/3 of anterior margin width), with rounded apex. Mesosternum granulose with deep, long, and feebly wide groove. Metasternal disc with coarse granules, and oblique elevation on the median portion of anterior margin, extending to postero-lateral margin; median longitudinal impression beginning at posterior margin, almost reaching anterior margin; lateral areas of metasternum tomentose. Coxae, trochanters, femora, tibiae with granules bigger than facet of eyes, separated by 1–3 diameters. Tibiae with a pair of apical spines; foretibiae with a fringe of tomentum on apical 2/5 of the anterior face; mid-tibiae and hind tibiae with similar fringe of tomentum on apical half of posterior face. Last tarsomere as long as the other four together. Ventrites with granules on median portion sparser than those of metasternum; tomentose on lateral areas. Ventrite I with a pair of carinae, beginning near hind coxae, but not reaching posterior margin of ventrite. Ventrite V with posterior margin strongly convex and lobes short and acute. Male genitalia three times longer than wide; median lobe extending slightly beyond the parameres; wider near the basal fourth, narrowing toward a rounded apex with sensilla; long basolateral apophyses (1/6 of median lobe length); median triangular projection toward phallobase, in dorsal view, beginning on apical half with 1/5 of median lobe length. Parameres wide basally narrowing toward the apex, with short and fine setae and sensilla; inner face convex from base to apex. Phallobase longer than wide (1.5:1), length 1/2 of total genitalia length. Variation. Female externally similar to male. Measurements of body may vary in total length 4.00– 4.80 mm ; head width 0.70–0.81 mm and length 0.43–0.50 mm ; pronotum width 1.15–1.46 mm and length 1.02–1.31 mm ; and elytra width 1.60–1.95 and length 2.72–3.13 mm . Comparative notes. Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov. is similar to C. reitteri and C. dorvillei in the presence of a deep median pronotal groove that begins at posterior margin but doesn’t reach the anterior margin ( Hinton 1937 ). This characteristic distinguishes this new species from C. typhon , which has the median pronotal groove confined to the middle 2/5 ( Hinton 1937 ). Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov. doesn’t have either a prominent gibbosity on the metasternum or a tooth on posterior margin of prosternum, characteristics found in C. reitteri ( Hinton 1937 ) . Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from C. dorvillei because the new species has the anterior margin of the scutellum sinuate, and has three discal carinae (on intervals 2, 3, and 4) and only one fringe of tomentum on middle tibiae; whereas C. dorvillei has a truncate anterior margin of the scutellum, and has only one discal carina (on interval 3) and two fringes of tomentum on middle tibiae ( Passos & Felix 2004 ). Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov. and C. dorvillei also can be distinguished by the male genitalia: in C. quinquecarinatus sp. nov. the parameres and median lobe narrow toward the apices; in C. dorvillei the parameres are wide from base to apex and the median lobe narrows near the apex ( Passos & Felix 2004 ). Comparison with male genitalia of C. reitteri was not possible because it has not been described or illustrated ( Grouvelle 1888 ; Hinton 1937 ). Type material. Brazil , Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo municipality, Holotype , male, Rio Bonito de Lumiar, Córrego das Paineiras, 22°23’27.2”S 42°20’03.6”W , 694m , 24.V.2008 Toste, T; Cruz, T.; Padua, A. Leg. [ DZRJ Coleoptera 5547]; Paratypes , 2 male – same data of Holotype [ DZRJ Coleoptera 5548]; 1 female – Rio Bonito de Lumiar, Córrego Santo Antônio/ 22°24’15.3”S 42°26’46.2”W , 04.IV.2009 , Alecrim, V.P. Leg. [ DZRJ Coleoptera 5549]; 1 male – Macaé de Cima, Dam in Rio Macaé, 22°25’51.9”S 42°32’18.9”W , 1061m , 30.XI.2008 , Sampaio, B.H.L. Leg. [ MNRJ ]; 1 female – Macaé de Cima, Dam in Rio Macaé, 22°25’51.9”S 42°32’18.9”W , 1061m , 29.XI.2008 , Sampaio, B.H.L. Leg. [ MNRJ ]; 1 male – Macaé de Cima, Rio Macaé, 22°25’30.6”S 42°32’00.7”W , 13.IX.2009 , Gonçalves, I.C. Leg. [ MZSP ]. Etymology. This species is named in reference to its five carinae on each elytron. The Latin prefix quinque means five and the radical carina means keel.