Two new species of Beraba Martins, 1997 and new geographical records of Eburiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Author Garcia, Kimberly Author Botero, Juan Pablo Author artinez, Neis Jose text ZooKeys 2019 827 125 138 journal article 1313-2970-827-125 5FA0015D4A0A4EBBB8E77A09EB967DDD 5FA0015D4A0A4EBBB8E77A09EB967DDD Beraba angeli sp. n. Figs 8-11 Type material. Holotype male from Colombia, Bolivar : San Jacinto (Reserva La Flecha, 324 m, 09°51'12.4"N , 75°10'41.4"W , tropical dry forest), 16.IV.2018, Garcia , K. coll., white light trap, MPUJ_ENT 0064074 (MPUJ). Paratype, male from Colombia, Bolivar : San Jacinto (Reserva La Flecha, 324 m, 09°51'12.4"N , 75°10'41.4"W , tropical dry forest), 15.IV.2018, Garcia , K. coll., UV light trap (UARC). Diagnosis. Surface of pronotum with wrinkles; pronotal tubercles black and well-elevated; males with sexual punctation on prosternum; femoral spines of same color as remainder; eburneous callosities with similar size; elytral apex with external spine. Description. Male. Integument brownish orange, legs slightly lighter. Pronotal tubercles, posterior region of anterior eburneous callosity, and anterior and posterior region of posterior eburneous callosities black. Body covered with long, erect and sparse yellowish setae. Head. Upper ocular lobes well separated, distance between them about 3 times width of upper lobe. Antennae exceeding elytral apices at antennomere VIII. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.57; pedicel = 0.11; IV = 0.83; V = 0.83; VI = 0.83; VII = 0.80; VIII = 0.74; IX = 0.69; X = 0.63; XI = 0.80. Thorax. Prothorax (including lateral tubercles) longer than wide. Sides of prothorax with tubercles distinct and acute at apex. Surface of pronotum coarsely punctate with transverse wrinkles, more distinct on posterior half, with a few long sparse whitish setae. Pronotum with two anterior tubercles well elevated, rounded at apex, and a centro-longitudinal slightly elevated gibbosity. Prosternum with transverse sulcus, glabrous, with long yellowish setae, finely transversely striate, coarsely punctate on posterior half, with two well-defined areas of sexual punctation. Prosternal process expanded at apex, width at narrowest point equal to one fourth of procoxal cavity width. Pros ternal process, meso- and metaventrite covered with dense golden pubescence, denser and longer laterally. Elytra about three times longer than prothorax; surface with moderately dense, coarse punctures on anterior half, finer and shallower toward apex. Each elytron with 3 subrounded eburneous callosities: one anterior; two posterior subfused, subequal, starting at same level, external slightly curved. Elytral costae absent. Apex of elytra truncate, with external spine and dentiform projection at sutural angle. Abdomen. Ventrites finely sparsely punctate, sparser on median region; with a few moderately long, sparse yellowish setae. Apex of ventrite V truncate. Measurements. Holotype male: total length, 9.5; prothorax length, 1.9; prothorax width at its widest point, 1.7; elytral length, 6.3; humeral width, 2.0. Paratype male: total length, 11.9; prothorax length, 2.5; prothorax width at its widest point, 2.5; elytral length, 8.1; humeral width: 2.7. Etymology. The species epithet is in honor of Angel Garcia Hernandez, father of the first author, as a thank you for all the support, love and happiness he has given to me. Discussion. Beraba angeli sp. n. is similar to B. marica Galileo & Martins, 1999 (Figs 12-14) and B. inermis Martins & Galileo, 2002 in having only one elliptical eburneous callosity on the anterior region of each elytron, tubercles of the pronotum black, and surface of the pronotum only with wrinkles or with wrinkles and some interspersed punctures. Beraba angeli sp. n. differs of B. marica in having the pronotal tubercles distinctly elevated, prosternum with areas of sexual punctation (Fig. 11), and the male ventrites not modified (in B. marica the tubercles are slightly elevated, proster num does not show sexual punctation, and ventrites II-IV show depressed areas with long yellowish setae on the posterior margin in males, as in Fig. 14). Beraba angeli sp. n. differs of B. inermis in the posterior eburneous callosities of similar size, and apex of the elytra with an external spine (in B. inermis , the posteroexternal eburneous callosities is, at least, twice the length of internal, and the external apex of the elytra is unarmed). Figures 8-14. 8-11 Beraba angeli sp. nov., holotype, male: 8 dorsal view 9 ventral view 10 lateral view 11 detail of prosternum. 12-14 Beraba marica Martins & Galileo, 1999: 12 dorsal view 13 ventral view 14 detail of ventrites. According to the most recent key to species of Beraba (Botero, 2015), the two new species can be inserted as follows:
B. angusticollis (Zajciw, 1961)
6-7 B. iuba Martins, 1997
B. moema Martins, 1997
1-5 B. anae sp. n.
B. inermis Martins & Galileo, 2002
12-14 B. marica Galileo & Martins, 1999
118-11 B. angeli sp. n.
B . tate Galileo & Martins, 2010
15-19 B. limpida Martins, 1997
B. decora (Zajciw, 1961)
B. odettae Martins & Galileo, 2008
B. spinosa (Zajciw, 1967)
B. cauera Galileo & Martins, 1999
B. cheilaria (Martins, 1967)