Anaphothrips genus-group: key to world genera, with two new species and three new records from Japan (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) Author Masumoto, Masami Author Okajima, Shûji text Zootaxa 2017 4272 2 201 220 journal article 32960 10.11646/zootaxa.4272.2.3 c34d16b9-d110-450e-a994-3ade2b3c6db3 1175-5326 583844 05005F3D-A051-4238-9290-8D0B463D0C1B Rubiothrips Schliephake Rubiothrips Schliephake, 1975 : 11 . Type species: Anaphothrips ferruginea Uzel,1895 , by original designation. Female . Wings present, small to fully developed. Mouth-cone moderately long, with 3-segmented maxillary palpi. Compound eye with 6 pigmented facets ventrally. Ocellar setae minute, pair I present, I and II arranged transversely. Postocular setae 4 pairs usually arranged transversely. Antennae 8-segmented, segment I without median dorsal apical setae, III and IV with simple or forked sensoria, III–VI with some microtrichial rows on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. Pronotum without major setae. Mesonotum with median pair of setae far from posterior margin. Metascutum reticulate; median pair of setae far from anterior margin. Metapre-episternum weakly developed, tapering distally and with one seta. Prosternal ferna undivided, narrow at middle; basantra membranous and without setae; prospinasternum broad and transverse. Spinula present on mesosternum, but absent from metasternum. Fore wing usually shaded along two longitudinal veins, with veinal setae minute; first vein with long gap in setal row; second vein with setae irregularly spaced; posterior fringe cilia wavy. Tarsi 2-segmented. Abdominal tergites without posteromarginal craspeda and ctenidia ( Fig. 42 ); tergites II–VII with S3 setae (posteroangular setae) inserted at or near posterior angle; tergites II–VIII with S1 setae (median pair of setae) much longer than their interval; tergite VIII without posteromarginal comb; tergite IX with MD setae prominent; tergite X with median split almost complete; sternites without posteromarginal craspeda or discal setae; sternites III–VII with three pairs of posteromarginal setae ( Fig. 44 ), but II with two pairs; pleurotergites with setae (S6 setae) in front of posterior margins ( Fig. 45 ). Ovipositor developed. Male . Abdominal tergite IX without short and stout setae; sternites III–VI or VII each with an oval or ovoidal pore plate. Comments . Previously, all nine species included in this genus are known between Europe and Iran (ThripsWiki 2017; Mirab-balou & Chen 2013 ). Generally, this genus shares many character states with Anaphothrips but it can be distinguished by the key above, also by having pleurotergites with setae in front of the posterior margin, whereas these setae arise on the posterior margin in Anaphothrips .