Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico Author Bousquet, Yves Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text ZooKeys 2012 2012-11-28 245 1 1722 journal article 1313-2970-245-1 FFFF52503A0AFF882450FFB66D45FF8E 578462 Genus Perigona Laporte, 1835 Perigona Laporte, 1835: 151. Type species: Perigona pallida Laporte, 1835 by monotypy. Etymology. Uncertain, either from the Greek peri (around, near, very) and gone (offspring) or from Perigone, daughter of the brigand Sinis. According to Desmarest (1851: 104), the name derives from the Greek peri and gonia (angle) [feminine]. Diversity. Excluding the subcosmopolitan Perigona nigriceps , about 105 species (Lorenz 2005: 438-439) in the temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas of the Nearctic (one species), Neotropical (twelve species), Australian (about 17 species), Oriental (about 30 species), eastern Palaearctic (five species), and Afrotropical (about 40 species) Regions. These species are arrayed in 12 subgenera: Cryptoperigona Perrault (one Neotropical species), Euripogena Basilewsky (four Afrotropical species), Euryperigona Jeannel (three species in the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Guinea), Hirtoperigona Perrault9 (two Oriental species), Neoperigona Perrault (three Neotropical species), Perigona s.str. (57 species in the Old World as well as the Neotropical and Australian Regions), Perigonillus Jeannel (three Afrotropical species), Ripogena Jeannel (ten Afrotropical species), Trechicus (18 species), Typhlonestra Jeannel (one Oriental and one Afrotropical species), Xenogona Jeannel (one Afrotropical species), and Xenogonilla Basilewsky (one Afrotropical species).