Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key Author Bush, Sarah E. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-31 4313 1 1 443 journal article 32249 10.11646/zootaxa.4313.1.1 d8cc2cd8-8410-49aa-a75d-7a41d9f52b26 1175-5326 883161 A5Fdfba5-F992-44A8-84C2-1756C943C19B Sturnidoecus pastoris group [2] Sturnidoecus acutifrons ( Uchida, 1949: 549 ) [in Philopterus ] Sturnidoecus affinis ( Piaget, 1880: 67 ) [in Docophorus ] * Sturnidoecus bannoo Ansari, 1955b : 62 Sturnidoecus bannoo laticephalum Ansari, 1968 : 9 Sturnidoecus bannoo avinus Ansari, 1968 : 9 Sturnidoecus borobodur Mey, 1989 : 156 * Sturnidoecus capensis ( Giebel, 1874: 90 ) [in Docophorus ] [3] Sturnidoecus capensis fragilis Ansari, 1968 : 8 new synonymy * Sturnidoecus neoacutifrons Price, Hellenthal & Palma, 2003 : 243 Sturnidoecus acutifrons Ansari, 1968 : 8 nec Sturnidoecus acutifrons ( Uchida, 1949 ) * Sturnidoecus parvifrons Ansari, 1968 : 7 * Sturnidoecus pastoris ( Denny, 1842: 43 ) [in Docophorus ] Sturnidoecus peguensis Mey, 1989 : 156 Sturnidoecus stresemanni Mey, 1989 : 154 * Sturnidoecus zoophilic Ansari, 1968 : 11 Sturnidoecus porphyrogenitus group * Sturnidoceus porphyrogenitus new species Sturnidoecus senegalensis group * Sturnidoecus continuus ( Piaget, 1880: 88 ) [in Docophorus ] * Sturnidoecus distinguendus Ansari, 1968 : 6 * Sturnidoecus eichleri Ansari, 1968 : 6 * Sturnidoecus opeca Ansari, 1968 : 5 * Sturnidoecus senegalensis ( Rudow, 1869: 10 ) [in Docophorus ] * Sturnidoecus theresae Ansari, 1968 : 5 Sturnidoecus simpl ex group * Sturnidoecus caligineus ( Carriker, 1903: 144 ) [in Nirmus ] * Sturnidoecus carrikeri Ansari, 1955a : 68 * Sturnidoecus illustris Ansari, 1968 : 7 * Sturnidoecus incomptu s Ansari, 1955a : 72 * Sturnidoecus intermedius Ansari, 1955a : 68 Sturnidoecus melodicus ( Eichler, 1951b: 13 ) [in Turdinirmus ] * Sturnidoecus mexicanus Carriker, 1956a : 39 * Sturnidoecus obsoletus Ansari, 1955a : 68 * Sturnidoecus perunensis Ansari, 1955a : 64 Sturnidoecus regalis Ansari, 1955a : 64 Sturnidoecus rehanae Ansari, 1955a : 67 * Sturnidoecus sarwatae ( Ansari, 1955a ) : 73 [in Penenirmus ] * Sturnidoecus simplex ( Kellogg, 1896: 492 ) [in Nirmus ] Philopterus migratorii Peters, 1935 : 146 * Sturnidoecus zahrae Ansari, 1968 : 7 Sturnidoecus somnodraco group * Sturnidoecus somnodraco new species Sturnidoecus sturni group * Sturnidoecus afzali Ansari, 1968 : 6 * Sturnidoecus graculae ( Piaget, 1880: 67 ) [in Docophorus ] * Sturnidoecus orientalis Mey, 1989 : 158 * Sturnidoecus sturni ( Schrank, 1776: 118 ) [in Pediculus ] Philopterus leontodon Nitzsch, 1818 : 290 Docophorus ostralegi Denny, 1842 : 42 Sturnidoecus wittei group * Sturnidoecus wittei Tendeiro, 1963 : 46 Sturnidoecus incertae sedis Sturnidoecus atharea Ansari, 1955b : 61 Sturnidoecus bituberculatus ( Giebel, 1874: 90 ) [in Docophorus ] Sturnidoecus blandus Złotorzycka, 1964a : 278 * Sturnidoecus femoratus ( Piaget, 1880: 68 ) [in Docophorus ] Sturnidoecus radui Bechet, 1965 : 59 * Sturnidoecus subacutus ( Piaget, 1880: 68 ) [in Docophorus ] [1] Tendeiro (1963) described St. basilewskyi including two subspecies, the nominate and St. basilewskyi minor . We follow Ledger (1980) in considering St. basilewskyi minor as a junior synonym of St. basilewskyi basilewskyi , contra Price et al . (2003 : 242) who considered St. basilewskyi to be described in 1964 and therefore a junior synonym of St. minor . [2] The relationships among St . affinis , St . bannoo , St . peguensis , and St . capensis is complicated, and the distribution of these species appears to be governed by geography rather than host relatedness. These species are morphologically very similar, and may actually be a single species that varies in size between different geographical areas. A more thorough revision is needed to determine more confidently the species limits within this group. [3] The first mention of this species is in Giebel (1866: 360) but limited to a statement that it is close to Docophorus leontodon [= Sturnidoecus sturni ], making it a nomen nudum . The first description was provided by Giebel (1874) , and this is the correct date for this species.