Remarkable morphological features of taxonomic interest in the female genitalia of five Erythrogonia species (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae) Author Carvalho, Rachel A. Author Mejdalani, Gabriel text Zootaxa 2014 3872 3 275 290 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3872.3.4 a973ec81-f26d-4009-b386-425b629a10b6 1175-5326 226338 9CCEAC1C-F58A-40E6-8349-D081976E12A5 Erythrogonia proterva Melichar, 1926 ( Figs 46–53 ) Length: female 7.2–7.3 mm (n = 3), male 7.3 mm (n = 1). Diagnosis. Dorsum ( Fig. 46 ) mostly brownish-red with large yellow macula covering much of anterior twothirds of pronotum and two pairs of large yellow maculae on forewings, an oval pair basally and transversal transcommissural pair from costal margin to claval apex; forewing membrane translucent brown. Males with aedeagus elongate, slender, curved dorsally, with pair of apical, spiniform divergent processes; paraphyses unbranched, distal portion rectangular; anal tube (segment X) with pair of spiniform basiventral processes. Female sternite VII ( Fig. 48 ) with posterior margin deeply emarginate medially; sternite VIII with pair of small lateral sclerotized areas ( Fig. 47 ); first valvifers ( Figs 49 and 50 ) trapezoidal, without processes or additional sclerites; first valvulae ( Fig. 50 ) with basal portion enlarged, triangular, with distinct concavity on basal margin; with conspicuous, posteriorly bilobed sclerotized plate located above bases of ovipositor valvulae ( Figs 47, 51, 52 ). Female genitalia. Sternite VII ( Fig. 48 ) with posterior margin deeply emarginate medially, central portion of posterior region with distinct sclerotized arc; lateral margins approximately parallel; ventral surface with pair of distinct elevations forming median longitudinal fovea, with few irregular striae, without setae. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 47 ), in dorsal view, with pair of small sclerotized areas adjacent to outer dorsal portion of first valvifers. Pygofer ( Fig. 49 ) moderately produced posteriorly; posterior margin narrowly rounded; macrosetae mostly on posterior half. First valvifers ( Figs 49 and 50 ), in lateral view, somewhat trapezoidal, with posterior margin shorter than anterior one (narrowed posteriorly), without processes or additional sclerites. First pair of valvulae ( Figs 47, 48, 50 ), in ventral view, with basal portion enlarged, triangular, basal margin with distinct concavity; sculptured areas as in E. phoenicea and E. calva ; ventral margin mostly convex; apex acute; ventral interlocking device ( Fig. 50 , VID) as in E. phoenicea and E. calva . Second pair of valvulae ( Fig. 53 ) broadened beyond basal curvature, narrowing slightly towards narrowly rounded apex; ventral margin approximately rectilinear; preapical prominence inconspicuous; with approximately 25 teeth; teeth, denticles, and ducts as in E. phoenicea and E. calva ; dorsal dentate apical portion smaller than ventral one; with conspicuous, posteriorly bilobed sclerotized plate located above bases of ovipositor valvulae ( Figs 47, 51, 52 , SCL). Gonoplacs as in E. phoenicea and E. calva . FIGURES 33–45. Erythrogonia hertha Medler. Female body (33) and genitalia (34–45): apex of abdomen in (34) dorsal and (35) ventral views; (36) first valvifer and valvula in lateral view; (37) basidorsal, (38) apicodorsal, (39) apical, and (40) ventral sculptured areas in detail; (41) second valvula, lateral view; (42) basal, (43) median, and (44) apical teeth and denticles in detail; (45) preapical prominence and apex in detail. PPR = preapical prominence; VID = ventral interlocking device. Only clearly visible portions of structures were colored in figures 34 and 35. FIGURES 46–53. Erythrogonia proterva Melichar. Female body (46) and genitalia (47–53): apex of abdomen in (47) dorsal and (48) ventral views; (49) pygofer, sternite VIII, first valvifer, and base of first valvula in lateral view; (50) first valvifer and valvula, lateral view; base of second valvula in (51) lateral and (52) anterodorsal views; (53) second valvula, lateral view. SCL = sclerite; VID = ventral interlocking device; VLII = second valvula. Only clearly visible portions of structures were colored in figures 47 and 48. Distribution. Brazil (state of Rio de Janeiro). Material examined. Brazil : state of Rio de Janeiro: one male and three females ( MNRJ ).