Two new species of Paraphytis (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) from Southwest China Author Chen, Ye Hebei Key Laboratory of Animal Diversity, College of Life Science, Langfang Normal University, Langfang, 065000, China Author Chen, Hai-feng Hebei Key Laboratory of Animal Diversity, College of Life Science, Langfang Normal University, Langfang, 065000, China Author Li, Cheng-de School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China text ZooKeys 2021 2021-03-01 1021 53 63 journal article 1313-2970-1021-53 CFB9ECD6F7CD49FAB7AC8FB3714A72B0 DC7074275EC85088862D284BAD5CCCE0 Genus Paraphytis Compere, 1925 Paraphytis Compere, 1925: 129. Type species: Paraphytis vittata , by monotypy. Synonymy under Marietta by Compere 1936 : 311; synonymy under Aphytis by DeBach and Rosen 1976 : 541; revived by Kim and Heraty 2012 : 544. Syediella Shafee, 1970: 144. Type species: Syediella maculata , by original designation. Synonymy under Aphytis by Hayat 1982 : 169 and under Paraphytis by Kim and Heraty 2012 : 544. Diagnosis. Species of Paraphytis can be recognized by the following combination of characters: antenna (Figs 3 , 15 ) with 6 or rarely 5 antennomeres; distinctly mottled forewings (Figs 6 , 18 ) and heavily pigmented body (Figs 1 , 11 ); mesopleuron convex, large and undivided; axilla with one seta (Figs 4 , 16 ); propodeum more than 2 x as long as metanotum and with crenulae on posterior margin (Figs 5 , 10 , 17 , 22 ); seta anterior to propodeal spiracle thin and not flattened as in Aphytis (Figs 4 , 16 ; cf. fig. 243 in Kim and Heraty 2012 ). Key to Chinese species (female) of Paraphytis Compere
1 Antenna with 5 antennomeres 2
- Antenna with 6 antennomeres 3
2 Clava with an incomplete transverse suture (cf. fig. 9B in Huang 1994 ) at about basal one third; dorsum of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum without dark longitudinal stripes; forewing mostly infuscate, with a hyaline crossband near apex (cf. fig. 9C in Huang 1994 ) P. densiciliatus (Huang)
- Clava without any sutures, dorsum of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with 2 and 4 dark longitudinal stripes respectively (Figs 1 , 4 ); forewing with a brown band below apex of submarginal vein, and with a broad infuscated patch below stigmal vein, otherwise uniformly hyaline (Fig. 6 ) P. bannaensis sp. nov.
3 Body extensively pale yellow, with 4 dark longitudinal stripes (Figs 11 , 16 ) on dorsum of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum 4
- Body extensively yellow or dark; if yellow, then without any dark longitudinal stripes, at most with some dark patches (cf. fig. 11E in Huang 1994 ) 5
4 Mesoscutellum with submedian dark longitudinal stripes that do not merge with lateral stripes at posterior margin (Figs 11 , 16 ); forewing with delta area having "F" shaped pattern formed by dark and hyaline setae and dark membrane; forewing disc with pattern posterior to linea calva formed by a transparent round patch and other irregular transparent and dark patches (Fig. 18 ); clava relatively slender, 3.0-3.6 x as long as wide P. pseudovittatus sp. nov.
- Mesoscutellum with submedian dark longitudinal stripes merging with lateral stripes at posterior margin (cf. fig. 265 in Rosen and DeBach 1979 ); forewing with delta area having an infuscated ring formed by dark and hyaline setae, without dark membrane; forewing disc with different pattern posterior to linea calva formed mainly by several subelliptical transparent patches against a dark background (cf. fig. 268 in Rosen and DeBach 1979 ); clava about 2.5 x as long as wide P. vittatus Compere
5 Scape pale; forewing at most faintly infuscated; midlobe of mesoscutum about 1.6 x as wide as long (cf. Fig. 10E in Huang 1994 ) 6
- Scape with a dark brown oblique band apically; forewing with an "M" shaped transparent patch (cf. fig. 11C in Huang 1994 ); midlobe of mesoscutum 1.9 x as wide as long (cf. fig. 11E in Huang 1994 ) P. transversus (Huang)
6 Mesofemur with a dark patch medially on outer surface; clava more than 2 x as long as wide P. angustus (Compere)
- Mesofemur pale; clava 1.8 x as long as wide P. breviclavatus (Huang)