Trichopolydesmidae from Cameroon, 1: The genus Hemisphaeroparia Schubart, 1955. With a genus-level reclassification of Afrotropical genera of the family (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) Author Golovatch, S. I. Author Fiemapong, A. R. Nzoko Author Tamesse, J. L. Author Mauries, J. - P. Author VandenSpiegel, D. text ZooKeys 2018 785 49 98 journal article 1313-2970-785-49 03935A66FA344DEBBEEA00EC88094062 03935A66FA344DEBBEEA00EC88094062 Hemisphaeroparia spiniger sp. n. Figs 7, 8, 28C Type material. Holotype ♂ (MRAC 22742), Cameroon, Center Region, Yaounde I University campus, palm plantation, 03°53'N , 011°30'E , 860 m a.s.l., 20.III.2018, leg. A.R. Nzoko Fiemapong. Paratypes: 9 ♂♂ (MRAC 22743), 1 ♂ (without gonopods)(MRAC 22744), 4 ♀♀ (MRAC 22745). 1 ♂ (SEM, MRAC 22746), same locality, 18.IV.2015; 12 ♂♂ (MRAC: 22747), 3 ♂♂ (ZMUM), 3 ♂♂ (UY1), same locality, 7.IV.2014, all leg. A.R. Nzoko Fiemapong. Diagnosis. Differs from other species of the genus by the presence of a boletiform epicranial tubercle (♂), coupled with unusually densely setose gonopodal telopodites which are deeply sunken inside a large gonocoel and show not only two slender, little- exposed branches (ab, bb), followed by a small, round, fully concealed lobe (lo) more basally, but also a conspicuous transverse spine arising on the lateral side near the base of ab and bb (Figure 8). Name. To emphasize the long, transverse spine on the gonopodal telopodite; noun in apposition. Description. Length of holotype ca. 7 mm (♂), width of midbody pro- and metazonae 0.5 and 0.8 mm (♂), respectively. Length of paratypes 5.5-6 mm (♂, ♀), width of midbody pro- and metazonae 0.4-0.5 and 0.6-0.7 mm (♂) or 0.6 and 0.8 mm (♀), respectively. Coloration of holotype generally marbled red-brown, legs nearly pallid (Figure 28C). Paratypes mostly yellowish to nearly pallid. All other characters as in H. zamakoe sp. n., except as follows. Both ♂ and ♀ with 20 segments, but ♀ devoid of epicranial modifications. Antennae long and strongly clavate, reaching behind to segment 3 (♂) or 2 (♀) when stretched dorsally. In width, collum <head <segment 3 <2 = 4 <5-16; thereafter body gradually tapering towards telson. Tergal setae generally a little longer, ca. 1/3 to 1/4 as long as metatergum, bacilliform and ribbed (Figure 7 A-C , G-J , L, M), arranged in two transvers rows on segments 2-7(8), thereafter in three rows (Figure 7 A-G ). Gonopods (Figure 8) forming a deep gonocoel, telopodites only slightly exposed through distal halves of their two main branches (ab, bb), both contiguous over most of their length and both subequal in shape and length, followed by a low rounded lobe (lo). Basal part of telopodite densely setose throughout; distobasal part with a conspicuous transverse spine (sp) arising near base of ab and bb on lateral side, but hidden on both sides. Seminal groove short, moving onto a longer or shorter solenomere (sl) on mesal side. Figure 7. Hemisphaeroparia spiniger sp. n., SEM micrographs of ♂ paratype A habitus, lateral view B, E anterior part of body, lateral and dorsal views, respectively C, F midbody segments, lateral and dorsal views, respectively D, G posterior part of body, lateral and dorsal views, respectively H midbody paratergum, dorsolateral view I tergal fine structure. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A), 0.1 mm ( B-G , J), 0.02 mm (H, I). Figure 8. Hemisphaeroparia spiniger sp. n., ♂ paratypes ASEM micrographs of both gonopods in situ, caudal view BSEM micrograph of right gonopod, submesal view C, D right gonopod, mesal and lateral views, respectively E left gonod, branches ab and bb, mesal view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (A, C-E ), 0.5 mm (B). Abbreviations: ab apical branch of telopodite, bb basal branch of telopodite, lo lobe, sl solenomere, sp spiniform process.