New species and records of Paroxyplax Cai, 1984 (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) and its allies from China, with a checklist of the treated genera Author Wu, Jun Northeast Forestry University, School of Forestry, Harbin 150040, China. Author Han, Hui-Lin Northeast Forestry University, School of Forestry, Harbin 150040, China. & Northeast Forestry University, Northeast Asia Biodiversity Research Center, Harbin 150040, China. & Northeast Forestry University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management, Harbin 150040, China. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-03-13 5254 3 383 397 journal article 234311 10.11646/zootaxa.5254.3.5 45474cc5-bd4e-4820-91b9-11434a184dd7 1175-5326 7727694 C18E1A56-730E-4510-AB84-DD111BDCBDC2 Paroxyplax nanlingensis sp. nov. Figures 1, 2, 7, 8 Type material. Holotype : male, CHINA , Hunan Province , Chenzhou City , Yizhang County , Mangshan National Nature Reserve , Jiangjunzhai scenic spot, 30.VII–7.VIII.2021 , leg. J. Wu and Q. Lin , genit. prep. WuJ-633-1, coll. NEFU . Paratype : 1 male , same data as for holotype, genit. prep. WuJ-879-1, coll. NEFU . Diagnosis. P. nanlingensis sp. nov. (Figs 1, 2, 7, 8) is similar to P. menghaiensis Cai, 1984 (Figs 5, 11) and P. lineata Cai, 1984 (Figs 6, 12) in both appearance and male genitalia, but it can be distinguished by the following morphological characters: 1) the forewing relatively broad, the ground color is ochreous, with a dark transverse fascia beyond the discal cell to the outer margin, whereas the the same fascia in both P. menghaiensis and P. lineata are lacking, and the forewing is distinctly elongated, with a dark brown ground color in P. lineata ; 2) the postmedial line in P. nanlingensis sp. nov. is narrow, slightly out-curved, whereas the same line is broader and very straight in P. menghaiensis ; 3) in the male genitalia, the new species differs from P. menghaiensis by having a large uncus and smaller gnathos and juxta, however, it differs from P. nanlingensis sp. nov. by having lower parts of the gnathos and juxta that are larger; 4) differs from P. lineata by the large uncus and the basal process of the costa being shorter than the latter (about 1/2 the length of valva in P. nanlingensis sp. nov. and 4/ 5 in P. lineata ); 5) the phallus is relatively slender, the apex without the deep angled incision but a sclerotized finger-shaper process; however, in P. menghaiensis and P. lineata , the phallus is short, with a deep angled incision apically. Description. Adult (Figs 1, 2). Forewing length 12 mm , wingspan 25 mm in male. Head and labial palpus ochreous; male antennae broad bipectinate till to tip, with longest rami in the middle. FIGURES 1–6 Adults of Paroxyplax spp. Depository of the specimens: NEFU. Scale bars: 5 mm. FIGURES 7–12 Male genitalia of Paroxyplax spp. Depository of the slides: NEFU. Scale bars: 1 mm. Thorax ochreous. Forewing broad, costal margin slightly concave; ground color ochreous to dark brown, with a dark, blurred fascia arising from base of discal cell and extends to outer margin; postmedial line distinct, broad, bright, pale yellow, slightly out-curved, runs from apex to inner margin at ca. 2/3 distance from wing base; terminal area grayish brown; terminal line broad, pale brown; fringe greyish brown. Hindwing ground color greyish brown, but pale yellow along with costal margin, and dark brown along with outer margin; terminal line fine, brown; fringe dark brown. Scales on legs brown. Abdomen brown to dark brown, with erect scale tuft at middle dorsally; brown ventrally. Male genitalia (Figs 7, 8). Uncus wide, triangular, slightly bifid and covered with long hairs apically. Gnathos divided into two parts: upper part small, with a row of strongly sclerotized, fine teeth; basal part large, stout, strongly sclerotized, sickle-shaped. Tegumen broad. Valva elongated, distinct swollen at base, quite narrow at subbase then gradually widening towards the end; cucullus rounded; base of costa has a large horn-shaped process, which ca. 1/2 the length of valva, with a sclerotized plate apically. Juxta broad, with a single, triangular medium process and two slightly curved lateral processes. Phallus straight, tube-shaped, with a small, sclerotized, finger-shaped apical process. Bionomics. The specimens were collected with a light trap at altitudes of 1,265 m a.s.l.; the collecting site is close to mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Distribution. China ( Hunan ). Etymology. The new species is named after its type locality, the northern part of the Nanling Mountains in China .