New species of Prolachesilla Mockford & Sullivan (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Lachesillidae: Graphocaeciliini) from Bolivia and Mexico
Arango, Stephania Sandoval
Obando, Ranulfo González
Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García
journal article
Key to males of
(Modified from
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
1. Body color predominantly pale creamy white with some dark brown markings............
P. pallida
Mockford & Sullivan
- Body color predominantly pale tawny brown............................................................... 2
2. Micropterous, wings minute, not reaching base of abdomen. Species of ground litter......
P. terricola
Mockford & Sullivan
- Generally macropterous, occasionally brachypterous. Species of tree and shrub foliage and dead maguey stalks and leaves. 3
3. Hairs on margin of forewing about same length and frequency as hairs on vein.............
P. pilosa
Mockford & Sullivan
- Hairs on margin of forewing much smaller and sparser than hairs on veins....................................... 4
4. Aedeagal arch terminating in a wide hood (
Fig. 4
P. boliviana
n. sp.
- Aedeagal arch not terminating in a wide hood (
Figs 9
).................................................... 5
5. Elongate postero-lateral pair of setae of epiproct truncated and slightly expanded at tips. Aedeagus terminating as a knob (see Figs 83 and
84 in
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
P. callangana
Mockford & Sullivan
- Elongate postero-lateral pair of setae of epiproct acuminate at tip. Aedeagus terminating as a slender process (
Fig. 19
).... 6
6. Clunial shelf over epiproct distinctly bilobed (
Figs 3
)................................................... 7
- Clunial shelf over epiproct not bilobed, but slightly emarginated in middle in one species (see Figs 69 and
74 in
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
)...................................................................................... 11
7. Lobes of clunial shelf over epiproct with margins smooth or with a few very low, rounded raised areas (
Figs 8
)....... 8
- Lobes of clunial shelf with margins bearing irregular knobs and finger-like projections (
Fig. 23
)..................... 10
8. External parameres with straight apex, without spines..............................
P. mexicana
Mockford & Sullivan
- External parameres curved to outside in the apex, this with spines (
Fig. 9
)..................................... 9
9. Endophallus with two separated groups of denticles (
Fig. 9
P. casasolai
n. sp.
- Endophallus only with one group of denticles (
Fig. 19
P. casasolaoides
n. sp.
10. Male paraprocts with marginal spines. Posterior border of hypandrium with three lobes. Lobes of clunial shelf wide (
Figs 23, 25
P. oaxacana
n. sp.
- Male paraprocts without spines. Posterior border of hypandrium rounded, without lobes. Lobes of clunial shelf narrow (see Figs 62 and
64 in
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
).................................... ..
P. poblana
Mockford & Sullivan
11. Clunial shelf over epiproct angular on sides, its entire margin irregularly roughened with small knobs and a few pointed pro- cesses (see Fig.
69 in
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
P. ticana
Mockford & Sullivan
- Clunial shelf rounded on sides, its margin nearly smooth, slightly wavy..........................................12
12. Clunial shelf over base of male epiproct broad, covering ca. two-thirds the width of the epiproctal base (see Fig.
74 in
Mock- ford &
Sullivan 1986
P. mediana
Mockford & Sullivan
- Clunial shelf over base of male epiproct narrower, covering slightly less than half the width of the epiproctal base (see Fig.
101 in
Mockford & Sullivan 1986
P. panamense
Mockford & Sullivan