Two new species of Brontostoma Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae) from Bolivia, with description of the male genitalia of two other species of the genus, and description of the female of B. doughertyae Gil-Santana, Lopes, Marques & Jurberg
Gil-Santana, Hélcio R.
Baena, Manuel
journal article
Brontostoma diringshofeni
Gil-Santana & Baena
sp. nov.
General coloration brownish black; connexivum orange (Fig. 28). Pygophore with median portion of posterior process of pygophore elongated. Apical portion of parameres with conspicuous spine.
(Figs. 28–46). Dimensions (in mm) – Total length: 26.0; head length: 3.7; head width: 4.2; interocular distance: 1.8; antennal segments: I: 3.2; II: 4.8; III: 2.8; IV: 1.5; V: 1.0; VI: 0.5; VII: 0.5; VIII: 1.0; rostrum segments: I: 1.8; II: 1.5; III: 0.7. Thorax: pronotum: anterior lobe: length: 2.7; width: 5.6; posterior lobe: length: 3.6; width: 8.5. Fore legs: femur: 4.5; tibia: 5.5; tarsus: 1.9; middle legs: femur: 5.0; tibia: 5.8; tarsus: 2.4; hind legs: femur: 7.8; tibia: 8.5; tarsus: 3.0. Abdomen: length: 16; width: 11.8.
General coloration brownish black; connexivum orange (Fig. 28). Integument almost complete glabrous and shiny (Figs. 28–30). Antennae, lateral portions of stridulatory sulcus, mesosternum, internal face, and apices of tibiae and tarsi with yellowish, fine, long and short hairs. First and third segments of rostrum, coxae and trochanters with very sparse and erect hairs. Head (Figs. 30–31) partly rugose, with short neck, prominent eyes and ocelli; interocular space somewhat depressed; rostrum thick; antenna eight-segmented, pilose with dorsal and mid-dorsal portion of segments I and II respectively, glabrous (Fig. 32). Pronotum surface smooth; longitudinal sulcus well marked in the distal and proximal middle portion in anterior and posterior lobes respectively; interlobar sulcus well marked, sinuous; both sulci interrupted in central portion (Fig. 29). Scutellum triangular, prongs short, well separated. Fore and mid trochanters and femora with patches of short stiff hairs; anterior and median femora incrassate, armed with simple tubercles (Figs. 33–34). Fore and mid tibiae
Figs. 28–40.
Brontostoma diringshofeni
sp. nov.
, male
, dorsal view, 28, habitus, 29, head and pronotum, black and white photo, 30–31, head, 30, dorsal view, 31, lateral view, 32, antenna, 33–35, legs, lateral view, 33, fore leg, 34, mid leg, 35, hind leg, 36–37, eighth sternite, pygophore, and parameres, 36, ventral view, 37, dorsal view, 38–39, left paramere, 38, ventral view, 39, dorsal view. 40, process of pygophore.
dilated and pilose in apical portion with spongy fossae occupying approximately 1/4 and 1/3 of length, respectively (Figs. 33–34).
legs simple (Fig. 35). All tarsi well developed, hairy. Hemelytra: corium brownish black, membrane brighter, basal part of nervures yellowish. Connexivum orange (Fig. 28); sternites brownish black; segments III–V keeled. Male genitalia (Figs. 36–46): pygophore sub-squared, posterior margin sinuate; parameres apices close in rest position (Figs. 36–37). Parameres symmetrical, curved, truncated at apex, with a small tooth at superior apical portion (Figs. 38–39). Median portion of median process of pygophore elongated, sclerotized, indented in middle apex (Fig. 40); phallus simple (Figs. 41–44); phallosoma sinuous in center of anterior margin (Figs. 41, 43); more sclerotized in portion of lateral margin (Figs. 41–43); endosoma with pair of separated and elongated processes (Fig. 44); phallosoma support and gonopore process as shown in Figures 45 and 46.
Material examined:
, Santa Cruz
, 500 m, Zischka [?
], ex-coll. Diringshofen, [
The new species is named for the late Mr. Ricardo von Diringshofen (
), whose huge collection of insects was incorporated into MZSP after his death.
Figs. 41–46.
Brontostoma diringshofeni
sp. nov.
, male genitalia, 41–44. phallus, 41, dorsal view, 42, lateral view, 43, dorsal view, 44, expanded phallosoma, dorsal view, 45–46, dorsal view, 45, phallosoma support, 46, gonopore process. Figs. 47–51.
Brontostoma doughertyae
, 47–48, females, dorsal view, 49–50, males, dorsal view, 49,
, 50, specimen showing dark markings, 51, female head, dorsal view.