Synopsis of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Cerro Pirre (Darién Province, Panama) Author Ortiz, Orlando Oriel Author de Stapf, María Sánchez Author Baldini, Riccardo Maria Author Croat, Thomas Bernard text Check List 2019 2019-08-16 15 4 651 689 journal article 10.15560/15.4.651 1809-127X Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engl. & K. Krause ( Fig. 6B, C ) Material examined. Parque Nacional Darién , Cerro Pirre, Rancho Frio, cerca de la estación de la antigua ANAM ; 08°01′16″N , 077°44′04″W ; 103 m ; 17 Apr. 2016 ; O . O . Ortiz 2592 ( PMA ). Identification. Monstera dubia is characterized by comprising juvenile plants with variegated leaves tightly appressed to the substrate and adult individuals with verrucose stems, deciduous petiole sheaths, oblong-ovate blades, subcordate at base, reticulate secondary lateral veins and inflorescences with green-pinkish spathes and whitish spadices. It is common to confuse juvenile individuals of this species with those of M. spruceana (Schott) Engl. , which differs in lacking variegated leaves. Distribution and ecology. Belize , Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Guatemala , Guyana , French Guiana, Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama , Peru , and Venezuela . On Cerro Pirre, it is common to observe individuals of this species in the semideciduous lowland forests ( 100–400 m ) and along the rivers and streams, but it is less common within the mid-elevation evergreen forests, between 600 and 800 m .