arista plumose |
arista with micro-pubescence |
arista with micro-pubescence |
posterior ocelli much closer to each other than to anterior ocellus |
posterior ocelli not much approx imated |
posterior ocelli not much approx imated |
ocellar bristles closely approx imated |
ocellar bristles widely separated |
ocellar bristles widely separated |
vertex depressed |
vertex depressed |
vertex not depressed |
lower part offace prominent along most of margin |
lower part of face narrowly prominent, the prominence impressed at sides |
lower part offace prominent along most of margin |
palpus short, compressed |
palpus short, compressed |
palpus elongate, cylindrical |
vibrissa and associated peristomial bristles present |
vibrissa and usually peristomial bristles present |
vibrissa and peristomial bristles absent |
prosternum without setulae |
prosternum with setulae |
prosternum with setulae |
anepisternum sparsely setose |
anepisternum with setulae |
anepisternum without setulae |
proepisternal bristle absent |
proepisternal bristle present, often small |
proepisternal bristle present |
prescutellar acrostichal bristles absent |
prescutellar acrostichal bristles variable |
prescutellar acrostichal bristles present |
scutellar setulae absent |
scutellar setulae present |
scutellar setulae present |
scutellum dorsally channelled |
scutellum dorsally flattened |
scutellum dorsally flattened |
metasternum strongly setulose |
metasternum bare |
metasternum bare |
seriate spots lacking in cells r1 and
seriate spots present in cells rl and 2+3
seriate spots present in cells rl and
vein MI strongly curved anteriorly at apex |
M J not strongly curved anteriorly |
MI not strongly curved anteriorly |
apical and posterior fringe of wing with modified armature |
apical and posterior fringe of wing normal |
apical and posterior fringe of wing normal |