Descriptions of three new species of the genus Symmorphus Wesmael, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from South Korea, with an updated revised key to Far Eastern species Author Kim, Jeong-Kyu text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-17 4350 2 journal volume 31417 10.11646/zootaxa.4350.2.2 1bf38cf6-ccfe-414f-9868-d631de74a11c 1175-5326 1053108 55CC6833-AD25-47B1-93C3-B6784BB45456 Symmorphus kurzenkoi Kim sp. nov. Type material. Holotype. ♀, pinned. Original label: “Mt. Gariwangsan, Daehwa-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, , OC Kwon” [white printed label]. “Holotype / Symmorphus / kurzenkoi / Kim / sp. n. / 2017” [red handwritten label]. Paratype. ♂, pinned. Original label: “Mt. Odaesan, Jinbu-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, , OC Kwon” [white printed label]. “Paratype / Symmorphus / kurzenkoi / Kim / sp. n. / 2017” [red handwritten label]. Non-type material. , Alatau , Zailisk , Alma. Arasan, 8.vii.1971 , NV Kurzenko ; , Tolon , Magadan Region, 7.vii.1975 , Marshakov , NE 65 Km of Plastun Pass , Primorskii Krai , 31.vii.1986 , NV Kurzenko ; , Zap-K dol., Ussuriskaya , Primorskii Krai , Russia , , R. Komaroviki. Diagnosis. Combination of complete and well-developed single-lined propodeal submedian carina and slightly diverging postcarinal area (width at transverse carina ca. 0.76 apical width) of metasomal tergum 1 in dorsal view is unique to this new species ( Fig. 11B and 12B ). Other important characteristics: rugose lower frons above antennal socket in female and carinulate lower frons in male ( Fig. 1B &C ), mesosoma with short setae of uniform length, carinate and partially areolate mesepimeron; largely smooth mesoscutellum in female, and primarily carinate dorsal mesepisternum and areolate mesepimeron in male. Description. Female. Structure. Body length 10.6‒12.5 mm , forewing length 9.2‒9.3 mm . Inter-antennal longitudinal carina well developed. Paired cephalic foveae very shallowly excavated in area between cephalic foveal pits, each pit ca. half of mid ocellus in diameter; short and linear cephalic foveal carina very weakly developed along posterior margin of each pit. Clypeus ca. 1.3 × as broad as long; apical emargination semi-elliptic (teeth interval 3.2–4.0 depth of emargination), distance between teeth 0.76–0.87 × as long as inter-antennal distance ( Fig. 9D ). Occipital carina raised high and complete. Pronotal carina well developed throughout except for dorsomedian interruption. Humeral angle not produced, almost right-angled in dorsal view. Notaulices partially interrupted in their basal third, deepened and broadened posteriad in apical half. Epicnemial carina absent or faint. Propodeal superior shelf ca. 1.8 × as long as trans-scutal sulcus length. Median propodeal pit rounded, basally with a short low longitudinal ridge at bottom. Propodeal submedian carina single-lined throughout (not interrupted) and sharply raised; lower half of submedian carina and submarginal carina of propodeal posterior face very high ( Fig. 11B ). Propodeal valvula merging distally into submarginal carina and slightly produced posteriorly. Metasomal tergum 1 with transverse carina somewhat weakly raised; postcarinal area 0.63–0.67 × as long as broad at apex; lateral margins slightly diverging toward apex in dorsal view, width at transverse carina ca. 0.76 apical width; longitudinal median portion almost flat, not impressed, subapically with short (ca. quarter of postcarinal length) and somewhat deep longitudinal furrow ( Fig. 12B ). Sculptures on metasomal sternum 1 as in Fig. 1E : basal carina 1 very weak (almost faint), short (not extended to basal part of sternum), and V-like; basal stalked area (anterior part of basal carina) of sternum 1 faintly areolate; median longitudinal carina and lateral oblique ridges well developed, and area between them areolate, without distinct longitudinal ridges ( Fig. 1E ). FIGURE 1. Symmorphus kurzenkoi Kim sp. nov. A, Habitus in dorsal view, holotype female. B, Head in frontal view, holotype female. C, Head in frontal view, male. D, Mesosoma in profile. E, Metasomal sternum 1, holotype female. Sculpture. Frons above antennal sockets primarily striate ( Fig. 1B ); large median area on vertex, including cephalic foveae, coarsely punctate, punctures smaller than those on frons; remaining portions of frons and vertex moderately to densely punctate; anterior and posterior portions of gena punctate-punctulate, but puncticulate medially. Marginal portion of upper two-thirds of clypeus punctulate; median portion primarily puncticulate, with its center almost impunctate; lower third faintly sculptured and shiny. Anterior vertical face of pronotum impunctate and shiny except for upper lateral imbricate portions; pronotal dorsum coarsely punctate-punctulate, with major punctures sparse to moderate; lateral side densely carinate, without punctures. Anterior half of mesoscutum moderately to densely punctate-puncticulate; posterior half between notauli and parapsidal line sparsely to moderately punctate, and posteromedian portion between notaulices densely punctate. Epicnemium puncticulate; dorsal and ventral mesepisternum punctate-puncticulate, with major punctures very sparse; mesepimeron carinate and partially areolate ( Fig. 1D ). Almost entire horizontal face of mesoscutellum impunctate; anterior and lateral marginal portions punctate; posterior marginal portion carinulate; medially not furrowed, instead with a row of flattened foveae that are various in size. Entire dorsum and upper half of posterior vertical face of metanotum foveate-reticulate; lower half of posterior vertical face impunctate and shiny. Metapleuron finely carinate. Dorsum of propodeum foveate-reticulate; lateral side finely carinate, carinae somewhat irregular in posterior portion due to interruptions of areola or flattened fovea; large median portion of posterior face faintly carinate and marginal area puncticulate. Precarinal area of metasomal tergum 1 (anterior sloping face of tergum 1 before transeverse carina) imbricate; large dorsomedian portion of postcarinal area faintly sculptured, and remaining portion foveate-puncticulate (but still foveae very shallow and faint). Coloration. Body largely black, following parts/markings yellow: tiny postocular dot, outer face of fore tibia, apical bands on metasomal terga 1–2 and tergum 4, paired apicolateral bands on sternum 2. Male. Very similar to female, different in the following details. Structure. Body length 7.3–7.6 mm , forewing length 7.6–8.2 mm . Clypeus slightly broader than long, ca. 1.2 × as broad as long; apical teeth spaced by almost inter-antennal distance, teeth interval 3.9–4.0 depth of emargination ( Fig. 9E ). Antennal tyloides not keeled, at most lower faces of flagellomeres 8–11 linearly and weakly raised; apical flagellomere short and small, ca. 0.7 × as long as broad at base. Humeral angle weakly produced. Notaulices well developed without interruption, and unlike female not broadened posteriorly. Postcarinal area of tergum 1 ca. 0.7 × as long as broad at apex; lateral margins somewhat divergent posteriad in dorsal view, width at transverse carina ca. 0.7 apical width. Sculpture. Lower frontal area above antennal sockets somewhat irregularly carinulate (striate in female). Vertex dull, faintly striate and sparsely punctate; remainder of frons and vertex moderately to densely punctate; gena sparsely to moderately punctate. Pronotal dorsum punctate-reticulate except for posterior marginal portion with sparse punctures; lateral side densely carinate. Mesoscutum coarsely punctate-punctulate, major punctures somewhat various in size and irregular in distribution. Epicnemium puncticulate; dorsal mesepisternum primarily carinate; ventral mesepisternum punctate-punctulate, with major punctures more numerous in lower portion, and upper portion almost impunctate; mesepimeron areolate. Mesoscutellum primarily costulate (but carinae faint), with sparse punctures irregularly set; median linear longitudinal area impressed and foveate-reticulate. Metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum finely and somewhat irregularly carinulate (striate or finely carinate in female). Major punctures in postcarinal area of metasomal tergum 1 deeper than those in female, but still shallow. Coloration . In addition to markings seen in female, outer faces of fore and mid tibiae and barsitarsi of all legs yellow. Almost entire apical segment and inner face of penultimate segment of antennae brownish yellow, and raised linear areas of flagellomeres 8-9 yellowish brown. Etymology. Named in honor of Dr Kurzenko NV (Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia ). Remark. In a Russian female specimen, frons above antennal sockets rugose-punctate, lateral side of pronotum weakly areolate, and lateral extensions (toward basal stalked area) of basal carina in sternum 1 more highly raised.