Review of the genus Saridoscelis Meyrick, 1894 (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species Author Liu, Haoyu 0009-0001-9556-1526 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0001 - 9556 - 1526 Author Wang, Shuxia 0000-0002-9316-6661 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & shxwang @ nankai. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9316 - 6661 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-21 5375 1 128 136 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5375.1.8 1175-5326 10170280 37D41B77-30F2-40E6-A8BB-212D56BBC83F Saridoscelis baoshana Wang , sp. nov. A137877D-B0E8-455A-9B14-CE1EFC48DA12 ( Figs 1 , 7 ) Type material. CHINA , Yunnan : Holotype ♁, Nankang ( 24.82°N , 98.78°E ), Mt. Bao , 2009 m , 17.VII.2015 , leg. KJ Teng & X Bai , slide No. LHY21766. Paratype : Yunnan : 1♁, Mt. Gaoligong National Forest Park ( 24.83°N , 98.77°E ), Mt. Bao , 2157 m , 23.VII.2015 , leg. KJ Teng & X Bai , slide No. LHY21767 . Diagnosis. The new species is similar to S. kodamai Moriuti, 1961 , but can be distinguished from the latter by the spatulate ventral plate of the gnathos, and the valva subparallel-sided from near base to before apex. In S. kodamai , the ventral plate of the gnathos is spherical, and the valva is distinctly widened medially ( Fig. 10 ). FIGURES 1‒6. Adults of Saridoscelis spp. 1 . S. baoshana Wang , sp. nov. , holotype, male, slide No. LHY21766; 2. S . biprocessa Wang , sp. nov. , holotype, male, slide No. LHY21764; 3. S . exstria Wang , sp. nov. , holotype, male, slide No. LHY21053; 4. S . kodamai , female, slide No. JQ07347; 5. S . longiprocessa Wang , sp. nov. , holotype, male, slide No. LHY21769; 6. S . sphenias , female, slide No. LHY21757. Scales = 2.0 mm. Description. Adult ( Fig. 1 ). Wingspan 12.0 mm. Head white. Antenna white; flagellum ringed with dark brown dorsally. Labial palpus white; second palpomere dark brown on outer surface. Thorax grey, edged with white; tegula white, mottled with pale grey. Forewing white; costal margin with basal 1/3 and distal 1/4 dark brown; subcostal line pale greyish brown, about 5/8 length of forewing; costal bar brown, from distal 3/8 of costal margin oblique to apex; dorsum with a pale greyish brown speckle formed by dense pale greyish brown scales basally; dark brown line from basal 1/4 of dorsum extending obliquely upward to apex, another dark brown line from middle of dorsum and joining preceding line at distal 3/8 of wing approaching to vein R 4 , area between two lines suffused with pale greyish brown, overlaid with dark brown along dorsum, forming a subtriangular patch; subterminal line dark brown, extending from distal 3/8 of dorsum to apex, with greyish brown scales beyond its base; fringe dark brown with white tip along costal margin, white mottled with brown in basal half, brown medially, white with brown tip in distal half along termen. Hindwing pale greyish brown; fringe greyish brown, white in distal half around apex and along termen. Legs white; foreleg dark brown ventrally, tibia and tarsus with dense long white scales dorsally, fifth tarsomere dark brown; tarsus of midleg with three dark brown, oblique stripes dorsally; tarsus of hindleg dark brown dorsally at base of each tarsomere, except first tarsomere. Abdomen ( Fig. 7a ). Eighth abdominal sternite of male narrowed to beyond middle, then widened posteriorly, with a triangular lateral projection at each side anteriorly, posterior margin 2 times width of anterior margin. Male genitalia ( Fig. 7 ). Uncus slender, subparallel-sided to apex. Socius with basal half uniformly narrow, distal half subelliptical, with 6 plates of fringed sensillae. Subscaphium narrowed medially; ventral plate of gnathos spatulate. Tegumen with a trapezoid anterior emargination, with a small, conical process at anterolateral corner; anterolateral arm slender. Valva elongately narrow, subparallel-sided from near base to before pointed apex; costa concave at base, almost straight from near base to tip; ventral margin slightly concave medially; dorsoproximal process subtriangular; sacculus indistinct. Saccus same length as valva, slender, parallel-sided, inflated apically. Aedeagus about 1.2 times length of saccus, strongly curved near base, narrow from near base to middle, slightly wider from middle to distal 1/5, then tapered to apex; basal scape subtriangular. Female unknown. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific name is from the type locality, Mt. Bao, Yunnan Province .