Quiina maracaensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka and Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka (Quiinaceae), two new species of Quiina Aubl. from the Neotropics Author Schneider, Julio V. Department of Botany and Molecular Evolution, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Biodiversity and Climate Research Center (BiK-F) and Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Julio.Schneider@senckenberg.de Author Zizka, Georg Department of Botany and Molecular Evolution, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Biodiversity and Climate Research Center (BiK-F) and Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. text Candollea 2012 2012-12-01 67 2 261 267 journal article 3013 10.15553/c2012v672a7 4b869ec8-22e5-4b3a-bdbf-7a3db724770e 2235-3658 5773041 Quiina maracaensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka , spec. nova ( Fig. 1 , 3 ). Typus: BRAZIL . Roraima : SEMA Ecological Reserve , Ilha de Maracá , riverine vegetation bordering the Igarapé Pedra Sentada , 3°30’N 61°43’W , 30.III.1987 , Milliken & Lima 35 ( holo- : NY ! ; iso- : E , K !). Arbor parva, ramulis terminalis puberulentis vel pilosis. Nonnulli pili longior quam 0,8 mm. Lamina subcoriacea, elliptica, rarius ovato-elliptica, (2,8-)4,8-14,1 Χ (1,1-)2,2- 4,6 cm. Inflorescentia masculina 11-32-flora, hermaphrodita 5-11-flora. Fructus 0,6-0,9 Χ 0,55-0,8 cm. Small trees or shrubs to 12 m tall. Terminal internodes laterally compressed or subterete, longitudinally striate, 0.8- 2 mm in diameter, densely puberulent to pilose, with trichomes 0.1-0.4 mm long, erect, 0.2-1.5 mm long (at least some hairs> 0.8 mm long), curved, multicellular. Leaves petiolate; stipules caducous, elliptical, subulate, or narrowly ovate, (0.45-) 0.9-3.2 Χ (0.06-) 0.1-0.6 cm , apex acute, abaxially pilose, the adjacent stipules 0.1-0.4 mm distant at base, scars transversely elliptical to orbicular, 0.3-0.6 Χ 0.4-1 mm ; petiole subterete, inconspicuously canaliculate or even, ± equally thickened, 0.1- 0.5 cm long, 0.8-2 mm in diameter; lamina subcoriaceous, elliptical (or ovate-elliptical), (2.8-)4.8-14.1 Χ (1.1-) 2.2- 4.6 cm , base attenuate, cuneate, or acute, apex (sub-)acuminate, adaxially glabrous or pilose at base, abaxially pilose along midvein (or covering the whole surface when juvenile); margin inconspicuously revolute, minutely serrulate or entire; secondary veins 7-14 per side, adaxially slightly impressed or prominulous, abaxially prominulous, 0.25-1.7 cm distant at middle of lamina, interspersed by 0-2(-4) conspicuous intersecondary veins. Male inflorescence thyrsoid, 11-32-flowered, with flowers in fascicles of (1-)3, hermaphroditic inflorescence botryoid, 5-11-flowered, with flowers solitary, not in fascicles; rachis 1 per axile, laterally compressed (or subterete), longitudinally furrowed, inconspicuously thickened in fruit, 0.8- 1.7(-2.7) cm long, 0.5-1 mm in diameter, densely pilose; bracts (sub-)opposite, ovate to elliptical, (0.9-)1.4-2.5 Χ 0.7-1.3 mm , apex acute, glabrous or sparsely hairy; bracteoles subulate to ovate, 0.4-1.3 0.2-0.4 mm , apex acuminate; pedicel below articulation to (0.3-) 0.7-2.4 mm long, above articulation (sub-) terete, (1.5-) 3-5 mm long, 0.3-0.7 mm in diameter, inconspicuously puberulent or glabrous. Flowers 2.5-3 mm in diameter; sepals 4, coriaceous, elliptical to ovate (to suborbicular), 1.4-1.7(-2.3) Χ 1.1-1.6 mm , apex rounded or obtuse; petals 4, yellow, elliptical to obovate, c. 2 Χ 1.6 mm , apex rounded, glabrous, rarely ciliolate; stamens in male flowers 21-26, in hermaphroditic flowers c. 12, filaments to 1.8 mm long, free or in hermaphroditic flowers sometimes adnate to petals; ovary 2-locular, styles 2, 1.8-1.9 mm long. Fruit subglobose, ellipsoid or obovoid, longitudinally striate, 0.6-0.9 Χ 0.55- 0.8 cm , apex rounded, glabrous; seeds 1 per fruit, ellipsoid to subglobose, 0.55 Χ 0.5 cm , densely villous (trichomes 0.3- 0.7 mm long). Distribution. Known from southern Venezuela and northern Brazil . Occurs in terra firme and riverine forests, in campina or capoeira, on sandy or bauxitic (lateritic) soils; up to 800 m . Phenology. Flowering in February and August (few data available), fruiting from February to August. Etymology . – The species epithet refers to the type locality, the Ilha de Maracá. Fig. 1. – Quiina maracaensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka. A. Flowering branch; B. Hermaphroditic inflorescence; C. Interpetiolar stipules at terminal node; D. Fruit; E. Hermaphroditic flower. [ A-C, E: Milliken & Lima 35, NY; D: Rosa 3121, NY] [Drawings: Anna Becker and Julio Schneider] Fig. 2. – Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka. A. Branchlet with leaves and hermaphroditic inflorescence; B. Infructescence with immature fruits; C. Interpetiolar stipules at terminal node. [Homeier 333, BIEL] [Drawings: Anna Becker] Notes . – This species is characterized by the combination of small ellipsoid to subglobose fruits, small ± lanceolate stipules, pedicels with basal articulation, and especially the long multicellular trichomes (at least in some parts> 0.8 mm long) at terminal internodes, leaves and inflorescences. Quiina florida Tul. is similar in leaf shape, but differs in larger fruits and inflorescences, the usually broader stipules, and shorter trichomes. Quiina wurdackii Pires differs in shorter inflorescences and few, rather obscure secondary veins, while Q. parvifolia Lanj. & Heerdt is distinguished by broader stipules, broader leaf blades, and longer pedicels. Additional material examined. VENEZUELA . Bolívar : Municipio Cedeño , Cabeceras del río Túriba y Caño La Miel , 45 km E de Los Pijiguaos , VIII .1989 , Sanoja & Fernández 2904 ( MO ) ; Municipio Cedeño , headwaters of río Túriba and Caño La Miel , 45 km E of Pijiguaos , 6°34’N 66°23’W , VIII .1989 , Fernández & Sanoja 5892 ( MO , NY , PORT ) ; Municipio Raúl Leoni , headwaters of río Túriba and Caño La Miel , 45 km E of Pijiguaos , 6°34’N 66°23’W , VI .1989 , Fernández & Delgado 5813 ( MO , NY , PORT ) . Amazonas : Alto Orinoco , Salto Salas , 18.VIII.1951 , Croizat 536 ( NY ) ; Dept. Atabapo , Caño Jayuwapuey, tributary of the Ocamo River , 3°4’N 64°40’W , I.1990 , Fernández 6789 ( PORT ). BRAZIL . Amazonas : Vicinity of Pico Rondon , Perimetral Norte , Highway Km 211 , 3 km from Km 211 , lower slopes of Pico Rondon, 1°32’N 62°48’W , 2.II.1984 , Prance & al. 28761 ( F , GH , K , NY , UB ) . Pará : Sete Varas airstrip on Rio Curua , 0°95’S 54°92’W , 4.VIII .1981, Strudwick & al. 4083 ( F , K , NY , UEC ) . Roraima : Município Alto Alegre , Ilha de Maracá , SEMA Estação , forest trails close to Estação, 3°22’N 61°20’W , 6.VI .1986 , Hopkins & al.515 ( FR , NY ) ; Município Alto Alegre , Ilha de Maracá , SEMA Estação , Furo Pananá de Firmino of Rio Uraricuera on S side of island, forest near Casa Maracá , 3°24’N 61°26’W , 10.VI .1986 , Hopkins & al. 634 ( FR , NY ) ; Município de Boa Vista , Estação Ecológica de Maracá , 21.V .1987, Lima 804 ( K ) ; SEMA Ecological Reserve , Ilha de Maracá , 3°22’N 61°26’W , 21.IV.1987 , Milliken 77 ( E , K , NY ) ; Serrinha , Rio Mucajaí , 31.I .1967, Prance & al. 4198 ( COL , F , GH , IAN , K , NY , R , S , U ) ; Posto Mucajaí , Rio Mucajaí , Vicinity of Mucajaí airstrip, 13.III.1971 , Prance & al. 10928 ( F , IAN , K , M , NY , P , R , S , U ) ; SEMA Ecological Station , Ilha de Maracá , in forest at Santa Rosa , 3°22’N 61°25’W , 7.III.1987 , Ratter & al.5587 ( E , K ) ; SEMA Ecological Station , Ilha de Maracá , 3°22’N 61°25’W , 11.III.1987 (st), Ratter & al. 5679 ( K ) ; SEMA Ecological Sation , Ilha de Maracá , 3°22’N 61°25’W , 18.III.1987 , Ratter & al. 5748 ( E , K ) ; Surroundings of Ecological Station of Maracá , 3°22’N 61°25’W , 9.II.1979 , Rosa 3121 ( F , NY ).