New and noteworthy records of vespid wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) from the Palaearctic region Author Dvořák, Libor Šumava National Park Administration, Department of Science and Research, Sušická 399, CZ- 341 92 Kašperské Hory, Czech Republic; e-mail: libor. dvorak @ npsumava. cz Author Castro, Leopoldo Av. Sanz Gadea 9, E- 44002 Teruel, Spain; e-mail: discoelius @ discoelius. jazztel. es text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2007 2007-12-04 47 229 236 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5328343 0374-1036 5328343 Ancistrocerus longispinosus gazelloides Guiglia, 1943 Material examined. FRANCE : CORSE [= Corsica ], HAUTE- CORSE PROVINCE , St. Florent , , 1♁, P.Baňař leg., J. Gusenleitner det., L. Dvořák coll. ; CORSE- DU- SUD PROVINCE , Petreto , Col de Ste. Eulalie , 950 m a.s.l. , 26.ix.1981 , 1 ♁, H. Tussac leg. & det., L. Castro revid.& coll . ITALY : SARDEGNA [= Sardinia ], CAGLIARI PROVINCE , mount Cresia , 18.ix.1993 , 2♀♀ ; Marina di Arbus , 7.iv.1994 , 2♀♀ ; Capoterra mountains , 23.v.1997 , 1♀ ; all the Italian specimens D. Sechi leg., L. Castro det. & coll . Relatively rarely recorded subspecies, endemic to Corsica and Sardinia ( GUSENLEITNER 1995 ). Outside these two islands, the nominotypical subspecies is found in the Mediterranean areas of Europe and also in North-West Africa, Ukraine , Turkey and on most of the other Mediterranean islands. According to BLÜTHGEN & KÖNIGSMANN (1969) it also occurs in Egypt .