Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) Author Olmi, Massimo Author Copeland, Robert S. Author Noort, Simon Van text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-10 4630 1 1 619 journal article 26202 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1 db6a16a6-0fe8-4987-8ad5-42223825fcd7 1175-5326 3336635 8D375836-CCBA-473C-836F-6ABD44B4F881 18. Genus Neodryinus R. Perkins, 1905 . Neodryinus R. Perkins 1905: 50 ; Kieffer in Kieffer & Marshall 1906: 497 ; Kieffer 1914b: 25 ; Richards 1939: 189 ; Olmi & Cur-rado 1976: 184; Olmi 1984: 1065; 1993b: 78, 79; 1999: 214; He & Xu 2002: 290; Virla & Olmi 2008: 371; Moya-Raygoza & Olmi 2010: 107; Xu et al. 2011: 2; 2013: 316; Olmi & Virla 2014: 479; Olmi & Xu 2015: 223. Psilodryinus Kieffer in Kieffer & Marshall 1906: 497 (synonymized by Richards 1953); type species: Psilodryinus acuticollis (Kieffer 1905), by original designation; Kieffer 1914b: 53; Richards 1939: 189; Olmi & Currado 1976: 184. Prodryinus Kieffer in Kieffer & Marshall 1906: 497 (synonymized by Richards 1953); type species: Prodryinus brachycerus (Kieffer 1904), by original designation; Kieffer 1914b: 49, partim ; Richards 1939: 189; Olmi & Currado 1976: 184. Phanerodryinus Roepke 1916: 289 (synonymized by Richards 1953); type species: Phanerodryinus javanus Roepke 1916, by original designation. Leptodryinus Richards 1953: 67 (synonymized by Olmi 1984); type species: Leptodryinus leptopus Richards 1953, by mono- typy. Paraneodryinus Olmi 1991 (synonymized by Olmi 1998e); type species: Paraneodryinus malayanus Olmi 1991, by original designation; Olmi 1993b: 78. FIGURE 250. A–D: habitus of Neodryinus sp.: ♀ in dorsal (A) and lateral (B) view; ♂ in lateral (C) and dorsal (D) view. Scale bar: A: 4.70 mm; B: 3.73 mm; C: 2.35 mm; D: 3.13 mm. Type species. Neodryinus koebelei R. Perkins 1905 , by original designation. Diagnosis. : fully winged ( Figs 250A, B ); palpal formula 6/3; antenna with ADOs; pronotum crossed by strong transverse furrow ( Fig. 250B ); enlarged claw with one subapical tooth and one row of lamellae, or peg-like setae, or bristles ( Figs 251B, D ); tibial spurs 1/0/2. : fully winged ( Figs 250C, D ); occiput straight in dorsal view; temple absent ( Fig. 250D ); occipital carina usually absent; occasionally incomplete, present behind and shortly on sides of lateral ocelli, laterally not reaching eyes; palpal formula 6/3; tibial spurs 1/1/2. Distribution. Worldwide. Hosts. Flatidae , Nogodinidae , Ricaniidae ( Guglielmino et al . 2013 ) . World species . 53 species are known, six in the Afrotropical region. Remarks. Larvae of Neodryinus were described by Guglielmino & Bückle (2003) . FIGURE 251. ♀♀ of Neodryinus species. A: N. bimaculatus Olmi, Copeland & van Noort sp. nov. , chela of holotype. B, C: N. gigas Ceballos : chela of ♀ from Madagascar, 16°19.16’S 46°48.80’E (B); head of ♀ holotype in dorsal view (C). D, E: N. osteni Olmi , ♀ holotype: chela (D); head in dorsal view (E). F: N. tussaci Olmi : chela of holotype. G: N. keleboensis Olmi, Copeland & van Noort sp. nov. Scale bar: A, D, F: 0.15 mm; B: 0.14 mm; C: 0.60 mm; E: 0.43 mm; G: 0.18 mm. Key to species of Neodryinus ♀♀ 1. Mesoscutum unsculptured.................................... N. bimaculatus Olmi, Copeland & van Noort , sp. nov. - Mesoscutum at least partly reticulate rugose or sculptured by longitudinal keels or granulate......................... 2 2. Occipital carina absent; mesoscutum sculptured by many longitudinal keels, not reticulate rugose....... N. antiquus Benoit - Occipital carina present behind and on sides of lateral ocelli; mesoscutum completely reticulate rugose................. 3 3. Temple very prominent ( Fig. 251C )......................................................... N. gigas Ceballos - Temple less prominent ( Fig. 251E )....................................................................... 4 4. Prothorax testaceous-reddish; rest of mesosoma partly black and partly testaceous-reddish; mesoscutum with median region reticulate rugose and lateral regions unsculptured................................................ N. osteni Olmi - Mesosoma completely black; mesoscutum entirely reticulate rugose............................................ 5 5. Enlarged claw with one row of short lamellae ( Fig. 198F ); hind wing hyaline, without dark band........... N. tussaci Olmi - Enlarged claw with one row of long and slender lamellae ( Fig. 251G ); hind wing with distal third darkened ( Fig. 253A )............................................................. N. keleboensis Olmi, Copeland & van Noort , sp. nov. ♂♂ Unknown