New and rare species of hyporheic water mites from New Zealand (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Aturidae, Momoniidae with the description of two new genera, one new subgenus and one new species Author Smit, Harry Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. text Acarologia 2019 2019-08-28 59 3 364 373 journal article 2639 10.24349/acarologia/20194339 b4ccab6e-0b6f-4beb-8980-c6243a6882e7 2107-7207 5173693 Zelandopsis morimotoi Imamura, 1977 (Figure 4A-F) Material examinedNew Zealand (all leg. H. Smit): 1/1/0, Bob’s Peak Creek, interstitial dig, western slope, Taipare Bay, Marlborough Sounds, South Island, 41°00.394’ S 173°45.248’ E, alt. 96 m asl, 2-1-2019; 0/1/0, Bob’s Peak Creek, western slope, Taipare Bay, Marlborough Sounds, South Island, 41°00.394’ S 173°45.248’ E, alt. 96 m asl, 2-1- 2019; 0/1/0, Unnamed stream, tributary of Bob’s Peak Creek, Taipare Bay, South Island, 41°00.499’ S 173°44.825’ E, alt. 124 m asl, 2-1-2019; 1/0/0, Upper course of Old Homestead Creek, interstitial dig, Taipare Bay, South Island, 41°01.119’ S 173°42.807’ E, alt. 179 m asl, 2-1-2019. Description — As given for genus. Frontal idiosoma margin concave. Anterior part of dorsum with spine-like structures. Male: Idiosoma 364–373 long ventrally, 356–365 long dorsally and 254–288 wide. Figure 4 Zelandopsis morimotoi Imamura : A – male, dorsum; B – male, venter; C – female, dorsum; D – female, venter; E – male, palp; F – male, I-leg-2-6. Scale bars = 50 µm. Venter posteriorly with a short, apically rounded extension. Gonopore narrow, 24 long; an area surrounding the gonopore without idiosoma pores. Acetabula in the posteroventral sclerotization far posterior to gonopore, 7–8 pairs in irregular rows. Length of P1-P5: 18, 42, 26, 48, 22 (till tip of segment). P2 ventrally with three denticles, P3 ventrally with one denticle. Length of I-leg-4-6: 40, 44, 56 (till tip of segment). IV-leg-2 longer than other segments. Length of IV-leg-4 46, 52, 26. Female: Idiosoma 389–413 long ventrally, 381–405 long dorsally and 300–328 wide. Venter posteriorly with a pair of short, apically rounded extensions. Gonopore 64 long. Number of acetabula difficult to ascertain, but very likely around 20 pairs. Lengths of P1-P5: 18, 46, 26, 52, 24 (till tip). P2 ventrally with 2–5 denticles, P3 with one denticle. Length of I-leg-4-6: 43, 50, 56 (till tip of segment). Length of IV-leg-4-6: 49, 54, 50. Remarks — The specimens collected in this study match the description given by Imamura (1977) . Imamura was not able to find the acetabula in his only male specimen. As the male was collected during a zoological expedition, and not by Imamura himself, it is likely that it was fixed in ethanol. This makes specimens dark and some structures, like the indistinct acetabula, are difficult to see. Imamura illustrated some indistinct structures posterior to the male gonopore, apparently not aware that these were the acetabula. Another feature not mentioned by Imamura is the long second segments of legs I-III, which are longer than the other segments of these legs. Habitat. Interstitial, but occasionally collected in superficial waters.