Corynoneura Winnertz from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) Author Fu, Yue Author Saether, Ole A. Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2009 2287 1 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191288 351d5342-2f03-40b4-85b9-2f3508205d3b 1175-5326 191288 Corynoneura ferelobatus Sublette et Sasa Corynoneura ferelobatus Sublette et Sasa, 1994 : 9 . Material examined. P. R. CHINA : Sichuan Province, Yajiang County, Sandaoqiao, 30°18'N , 101°E, alt. 2460 m , light trap, 1 male (BDN No. 11608), , Xinhua Wang; Yunnan Province, Lijiang County, Heilongtan, 26°52'N , 100°15'E , alt. 2.400 m , light trap, 1 male (BDN No. 10553), 28.v.1996 , Xinhua Wang; Yunnan Province, Hutiaoxia County, 30°N, 98°E, alt. 1.700–5.369 m , light trap, 2 males , 26.v.1996 , Xinhua Wang; Ningxia Autonomous Region, Liupanshan County, 35°14'– 39°14'N , 104°17'– 109°39'E , alt. 1.100– 1.200 m , light trap, 1 male (BDN No. 1177), 7.viii.1987 , Xinhua Wang. FIGURE 5. Corynoneura fujiundecima Sasa, 1985 , male. A. Wing. B. Hypopygium, dorsal view. C. Hypopygium, ventral view. Diagnostic characters. This species is similar to T. celtica Tokunaga sharing an AR of about 0.20–0.30, and an inverted V-shaped sternapodeme, but can be separated by the digitiform inferior volsella and the antenna with 9 flagellomeres. Addition to description. The Chinese specimens had the following measurements: Total length 1.12–1.46, 1.34 mm . Wing length 0.7–0.85, 0.76 mm . Antenna with 9 flagellomeres; AR 0.27–0.34, 0.3. Wing width / wing length 0.41–0.44, 0.41, C with 6–8, 7 setae. Inferior volsella digitiform, sternapodeme inverted V-shaped, coxapodeme 25–35, 30 µm long, attachment point with phallapodeme placed in caudal third of lateral sternapodeme and directed caudally; phallapodeme strongly curved with projection for joint with sternapodeme placed pre-lateral. Gonocoxite 58–78, 68 µm long, with 2 setae apically. Gonostylus curved apically, 23–28, 27 µm long; megaseta 3–5, 3 µm long. HR 2.7–3.6, 3.1, HV 4.5– 5.6, 5.3 (4). Remarks. Sublette and Sasa (1994) described the species based on specimens from Guatemala . The Chinese specimens show some variations when compared with the original description. The Chinese specimens are paler, and the ultimate flagellomere is slightly curved. However, some variations also exist between specimens collected in southern and northern China . Distribution. Guatemala ; Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, Ningxia Autonomous Region in Oriental and Palaearctic China .