Revision and cladistic analysis of the Southeast Asian leaf-dwelling spider genus Calapnita Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae) Author Bernhard A. Huber text Zootaxa 2017 4219 1 1 63 journal article 37319 10.5281/zenodo.273086 0d2332a5-1968-49d7-a570-f31d386eccb3 1175-5326 273086 0FA0F51A-3868-4F13-A93D-E34CA5A689F8 Calapnita saluang Huber, 2011 Figs 124–125 , 188–195 Micromerys vermiformis ” (misidentification) Simon 1901 : 51 . Calapnita vermiformis ” (misidentification)— Deeleman-Reinhold 1986b : 212 (only specimens from Sumatra). Huber 1998 : fig. 2f. Huber 2000 : figs 34, 69, 124, 177. Murphy & Murphy 2000: fig. 47.8. Calapnita saluang Huber, 2011 : 48 , figs 43–44, 153–169 (♂♀). Diagnosis . Distinguished from other species of vermiformis group by tip of procursus (distal part and ventral flap of approximately same size, parallel and curved towards dorsal; Figs 188–189 ; see also figs 153, 154, 158 in Huber 2011 ) and by crescent-shaped pore plates ( Fig. 194 ; see also fig. 157 in Huber 2011 ); from most (except C. bugis ) also by thin proximal part of bipartite cheliceral apophysis ( Fig. 192 ; see also fig. 161 in Huber 2011 ) and by strong and regular fringes at tip of embolus (figs 153, 160, 163 in Huber 2011 ); from several species also by narrow and distinct epigynal ‘knob’ ( Fig. 195 ). New material examined . INDONESIA-SUMATRA: 5♂ 4♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16030), North Sumatra , near Berastagi , forest near Sikulikap Fall ( 3.242°N , 98.538°E ), 1150 m a.s.l. , 17.x.2009 ( S. Sutono ) ; 1♂ 5♀ 1 juv. in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Ind 128), same data . 3♂ 5♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16031), West Sumatra , Lembah Anai Forest Reserve , forest along stream ( 0.472°S , 100.363°E ), 600 m a.s.l. , 19.x.2009 ( S. Sutono ) ; 1♂ 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Ind 133), same data . 1♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16032), West Sumatra , forest at Ngalau Indah Cave near Payakumbuh ( 0.255°S , 100.603°E ), 640 m a.s.l. , 20.x.2009 ( S. Sutono ) . 1♂ 1♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16033), West Sumatra , forest at Gua Limpa ( Cave ) above Harau Valley ( 0.104°S , 100.680°E ), 770 m a.s.l. , 21.x.2009 ( S. Sutono ) ; 1♂ 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Ind 147), same data . FIGURES 188–203 . Calapnita saluang Huber (188–195; ZFMK, Ar 16031) and C. vermiformis Simon from Mount Isarog (196–203; ZFMK, Ar 16041). 188–189, 196–197 . Left procursi, prolateral and retrolateral views (arrow points at distinctive sclerite). 190, 198 . Left palpal trochanters, retrolateral views. 191, 199 . Left palpal femora, prolateral views. 192–193, 200– 201 . Right male chelicerae, frontal and lateral views. 194, 202 . Cleared female genitalia, dorsal views. 195, 203 . Epigyna, ventral views. Scale lines: 0.3 mm. MALAYSIA : 1♂ 1♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16034), Johor , Gunung Ledang , forest near Puteri Falls (2°21.2’– 2°21.6’N , 102°37.8’– 102°38.1’E ), 100–300 m a.s.l. , on leaves, 17.ii.2015 ( B.A. Huber ) ; 1♂ 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 240), same data . 2♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16035), Gunung Ledang , forest near Puteri Falls ( 2°21.3’N , 102°38.1’E ), 110 m a.s.l. , on leaves, 18.ii.2015 ( B.A. Huber ), night collecting . 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 259), Pahang , Ulu Dong ( 3°56.2’N , 102°01.9’E ), 190 m a.s.l. , forest near river, on leaf, 21.ii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , A.R.M. Ghazali , K.A. Braima ) . 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 271), Perak , Gunung Liang ( 3°47.7’N , 101°32.0’E ), 250 m a.s.l. , forest along river, on leaf, 22.ii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , A.R.M. Ghazali , K.A. Braima ). THAILAND : 5♂ 2♀ 1 juv. , ZFMK ( Ar 16036), and 1♂ 1♀ , PSUZC , Krabi , Khao Phanom Bencha National Park , trails near headquarters ( 8°14.1’N , 98°55.1’E ), 150–300 m a.s.l. , on leaves, 8.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) ; 1♂ 8♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 337), same data . 1♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16037), Narathiwat , Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary , ‘site 1’, forest at river near headquarters ( 5°47.8’N , 101°49.9’E ), 90 m a.s.l. , on leaf, 1.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) ; 2♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 300), same data . 1♀ , ZFMK (Ar 16038), same locality, night collecting, on leaf, 2.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) ; 1♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 317), same data . 1♂ , ZFMK ( Ar 16039), Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary , dry ravine near station ( 5°48.0’N , 101°50.0’E ), 130 m a.s.l. , on leaf, night collecting, 3.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) ; 2♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 319), same data . 2♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 306), Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary , ‘site 2’ ( 5°48.4’N , 101°48.6’E ), 330 m a.s.l. , forest near river, on leaves, 2.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) . 6♂ 2♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16040), Surat Thani , Khao Sok National Park , forest along nature trail ( 8°54.8’N , 98°29.3’– 98°30.5’E ), on leaves, 110–160 m a.s.l. , 11–12.iii.2015 ( B.A. Huber , B. Petcharad ) ; 1♂ 2♀ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Mal 358), same data . Measurements and variation . Male from Lembah Anai : palpal femur as in Fig. 191 , distal process at 28% of femur length; palpal tibia length/diameter 0.55/0.33; bulb length 0.38; embolus length 0.50. There seems to be no significant genitalic variation among specimens from different localities in this widely distributed species. Tibia 1 in 20 newly examined males: 6.2–7.5 (mean 6.9); in 19 females : 5.3–6.5 (mean 6.0). Natural history . At Sikulikap Fall, most specimens were collected at one patch of large-leaved herbaceous plants close to the ground; webs were barely visible, consisting of only a few threads directly attached to the leaf surface; when disturbed the spiders did not vibrate but ran away (and eventually dropped to the ground). At most localities, this species occurs together with either C. phyllicola or with C. anai (or with both). Egg-sacs in this species are only moderately elongated ( Fig. 125 ). Distribution . Widely distributed on the Malay Peninsula and on Sumatra , reaching into western Java ( Fig. 283 ). The specimens from Java (Cibodas; 1♂ 3♀ in RMNH, ARA 17408) listed in Huber 2011 were re-examined for the present paper and their identification confirmed.