A key to the Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) egg parasitoids of proconiine sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in the Nearctic region, with description of two new species of Gonatocerus Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. text Zootaxa 2006 1203 1 38 journal article 50803 10.5281/zenodo.172335 076b5447-7740-4af0-aef5-e34d9724424f 1175­5326 172335 Anagrus stethynioides S. Triapitsyn, 2002 Anagrus stethynioides Triapitsyn 2002c : 216 , 221. Type locality Chylla, Sacatepequez, Guatemala . Diagnosis This peculiar species has a very wide forewing (4.5–4.9x as long as wide), with the longest marginal setae subequal to or slightly longer than the maximal forewing width; clava of the female antenna with 6 longitudinal sensilla ( Triapitsyn 2002c ).